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Yoga, positions to sleep like a baby

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Stress, tension, incorrect postures weigh at the end of the day and often prevent sleep. Yoga helps us sleep well. And here are the right asanas

Sabrina Clerk

Sometimes it is difficult to disconnect from our day and release the accumulated tensions before bed. Tonight, follow this sequence of seven yoga positions recommended by Elena Buscone, yoga teacher. Guaranteed relaxation and deep sleep.

TALASANA: the position of the mountain. Standing with your back to the bed, keep your feet apart and parallel to hip width. Raise your arms and stretch your toes as if to touch the ceiling. Fix your gaze in front of you to keep your balance. Stay in this position for 20 30 seconds, breathe deeply through your nose.

GAYA ASANA: the position of the elephant. Standing, with your legs hip-width apart, roll your back forward until you close your torso on your thighs, knees semi-flexed. Cross your arms and rest your forehead on your forearms. Let the tensions in the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back loosen. You can stay in position up to 2 minutes or more, but gradually and with a progression.

YANU SIRSANA: the bent twist. Seated, buttocks resting on the ground. Extend your left leg to the toe in front of you, bend your right knee outward and bring your heel into the crook of your left thigh. Rotate your chest to the right bringing your shoulder blades in line with your left leg. Slowly go down with the chest towards the left leg, trying to grab the sole of the left foot, if you can’t, place your hands on the left leg on the ankle or calf, opening the chest wide. Maintain the position for about 30 seconds, take five to ten deep breaths through your nose. Then perform the movement on the other side. Your brain releases endorphins and your back muscles relax.

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MARJARASANA: the position of the cat. On all fours, exhale with a rounded back bringing the navel towards the spine, then stretch your back while inhaling and looking into the distance. Repeat the movement 15 times, being careful not to contract the trapezes or arch your back too much.

BALASANA: the position of the child. From the kneeling position sit on the heels exhaling and move down with the back until the forehead reaches the floor without lifting the buttocks, the shoulders are relaxed and the arms extended in front of you or along the sides of the body. Breathe slowly for about 30 to 40 seconds.

ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA: the position of the dog upside down. It starts from the position of the child with the buttocks resting on the heels and the arms extended forward, exhaling, pressing the palms of the hands firmly to the ground, lifting the buttocks upwards, keeping the feet width of the hips trying to bring the heels to the ground. Move the shoulders away from the ears, activating the quadriceps by extending the legs and activating the abdomen. If you feel discomfort behind your legs, keep your knees bent. Breathe deeply through your nose staying in position for 10 full breaths, then put your knees on the ground.

SAVASANA: the position of the corpse. Once lying under the sheet with feet hip-width apart, put your hands on both sides of the body. Your head is resting firmly on the pillow. Inhale deeply through the nose, letting the stomach expand, without moving the rib cage, and slowly exhale through the mouth until the stomach returns to its natural position. Abdominal breathing calms the entire vegetative nervous system.Your feet relax, then your calves, then your pelvis, then … sleep.

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