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who can ask for bonuses

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who can ask for bonuses

An overall measure of 950 million eurosof which 793 million destined for cars, 35 million for mopeds, 53 million for commercial vehicles light, 20 million to used cars e 50 million for rental long-term. These are the numbers of the new incentives presented by the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso at Mimit as part of the “automotive roundtable” with Stellantis, trade associations and trade unions. In detail, as regards cars, 240 million of inventions are for those with the lowest emissions (basically the electric ones) with Co2 emissions from 0-20 g/km Co2, 150 million for those 21-60 g/km Co2 and 403 million for cars with Co2 emissions 61-135 g/km.

For the latter cars, as of January 31, 2024, incentives for 99 million euros have already been booked. L’The maximum possible incentive is equal to 13,750 euros, in the case of purchasing a car with lower emissions for a maximum price of 35 thousand euros (excluding VAT), with scrapping of a Euro 0, 1, 2 car and an ISEE of up to 30 thousand euros. With regard to mopeds, 30 million of incentives are intended for the purchase of electric vehicles and 5 million for non-electric ones and this sum is already entirely covered by bookings as of 31 January 2024.

Bonus also for used ones

As mentioned, the new car incentive scheme for 2024 also includes used cars and the possibility of scrap Euro 5 cars. The incentives for used cars amount to 2 thousand euros they have a budget of 20 million euros, are aimed at natural persons and are for the purchase of new M1 category vehicles at least in Euro 6 class with a value not exceeding 25,000 euros (without VAT) which have not previously benefited from incentives. The constraint to access this measure is the scrapping of a vehicle owned for at least 12 months in class up to Euro 4. Furthermore, resources of 50 million euros are foreseen for incentives for long-term rental by natural persons.

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A plan that goes in three directions

The new car incentive plan goes live three converging directions: ecological, social and productive sustainability. The objective on the one hand is to support the replacement of the fleet in circulation and on the other a encourage production cars in our country. The first objective is in fact to stimulate the scrapping of highly polluting cars, l‘euro 0, 1 2 and 3, which I still am 25 percent of the fleet in circulation in our country; the second objective is to help above all the families with low incomes, through a gradual system which provides more significant benefits for families with ISEE up to 30 thousand euros. Finally, say encourage production in our country which in recent years has drastically reduced, despite the incentives provided which have mainly gone, up to 80 percent, to cars produced in foreign factories, including those of Stellantis itself. Minister Urso himself explained it.

The reactions of Stellantis and the unions

Stellarthrough the mouth of the CEO, Carlos Tavares she said to herself unsatisfied of government action (see article by Truth & Business) and asks for greater commitment on the bonus front, tax breaks, energy discounts. The positions taken by the unions are of different signs. There Uilm contests the third part of the incentives decree relating to the aspects social and occupational. “We contested that the incentives could serve social and employment aspects – he said Rocco Palombella, general secretary of Uilm. – Incentives must give citizens the opportunity to buy cars. And the workers who produce must be protected.”

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“Having incentives is fine – he added – but we want to know how Stellantis gives answers on the plants and how logistics workers are protected”. “In particular – concluded the trade unionist – we need to urgently identify a new car for Mirafiori replacing the Maserati range which is going out of production, the confirmation of the five models in Melfi and an intervention on joint venture Acc, which is busy building a gigafactory in Termoli. The most dramatic situation, however, is that of related companies”.  Per Samuele Lodi, national secretary of Fiom-Cgil Incentives “are good for consumers but they don’t solve problems structural problems of the sector”. “The assessment is that this plan was supposed to be the last link in a process of discussion with the government, Stellantis and related industries on industrial policy – ​​added Lodi. – However, the structural problems have not been addressed, except to a minimal extent, and have certainly not been resolved”.

“We need to introduce some European technological barriers, on the model of what was done by him Usa, to be competitive and to prevent the European market from being invaded by Chinese products – said the general secretary of Fismic Confsal, Roberto Di Maulo. – It is necessary, also to reach the goal of one million vehicles to be produced in 2023, to maintain the production of mass market vehicles in our country and in particular the 500 and the Panda, in all their versions and attract new producers. We need an important commitment from the Government.”

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