Home » because they are not needed. How to care for your skin (even with acne) – breaking latest news

because they are not needed. How to care for your skin (even with acne) – breaking latest news

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because they are not needed.  How to care for your skin (even with acne) – breaking latest news

by Maria Giovanna Faiella

The wrong message (from social media): same treatments for all skin types; thus you risk aesthetic and health damage such as dermatitis. Advice on how to prevent aging from a young age

Serums, anti-wrinkle creams, exfoliating acids and other anti-aging products: in the United Kingdom, dermatologists are concerned by the increase in the use of these cosmetics among children, especially girls, who are already from the age of ten they ask parents to buy them. And in Italy? Are our kids obsessed with aging too?

Banish all blemishes and tendency towards perfection

In recent years we have been recording an increase in the tendency towards perfection among very young people, even pre-pubescent ones, so much so that any type of blemish can lead to psychological distress – reports Dr. Laura Colonna, specialist in dermatology and head of the Operational Unit of Clinical, corrective and wellness dermatology at the Idi, Dermopathic Institute of the Immacolata Irccs in Rome -. The obsession of these boys and girls with fighting aging, a concept in itself out of place since a child or adolescent has young skin and no signs of aging. The (wrong) message that comes from social media, primarily from TikTok, is that all teenagers need to undergo treatments, often sponsored by the influencers themselves, to have brighter skin. The same treatments are recommended for all skin types, obviously without worrying about the consequences, given that the goal is often sales. In particular – continues the dermatologist – not only cosmetics enriched with vitamin A and C, but above all serums and acids such as glycolic acid (AHA) and salicylic acid (BHA) are in fashion.

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If you suffer from acne, allergies, dermatitis

It should be underlined that skin is not all the same – repeats Doctor Colonna once again –. For example, the adolescent may have a dermatological disease such as acne, widespread during adolescence, which can occur for a series of reasons, including the influence of hormones which determine, among other things, an increase in quantity and type of sebum. For this reason there are adolescents who may have oilier skin, a predisposition to form comedones and other signs of acne (such as papules and pustules). Other kids have particularly sensitive skin, such as the so-called “atopics”, subjects with a predisposition to allergies, who, having extremely dry and reactive skin, are predisposed to dermatitis.

The risks of do-it-yourself

What risks can you run if you use cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin? If the dermatologist prescribes products based on sebum-regulating substances, both cleansing and moisturizing or enriched with vitamin A or salicylic acid, to a boy or girl with acne, it has a therapeutic sense; if, however, they are applied on their own initiative, to prevent skin aging, the development of irritant dermatitis or allergic contact dermatitis may occur. These reactions can leave signs of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation and make the skin more susceptible to new irritations or dermatitis – – warns the expert –. It is therefore paradoxical that, in an attempt to improve appearance and prevent aging, damage is caused on an aesthetic and health level.

Skin care at a young age, what to do (and not to do)

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What do experts recommend for skin care at a young age? First of all, pay more attention to the health of your skin, therefore a dermatological visit aimed at understanding the needs of your skin and the presence of any skin pathologies such as acne, allergies, dermatitis – suggests the expert -. For those with healthy skin, a simple facial cleansing routine is sufficient, performed twice a day, morning and evening, with non-aggressive detergents. Being at a young age, sun protection and the use of a light moisturizing cream are sufficient, so there is no need to enrich the skin with hyaluronic acid or other substances indicated for more mature skin. In practice, the purchase of products must be guided by advice from expert professionals in the sector and must not coincide with the business behind the sale of products. Dr. Colonna also explains: Girls and boys must avoid using cosmetics prescribed to their parents. Creams prescribed to adults can be enriched with vitamins A and C, hyaluronic acid and other substances. These, however, can be not only useless but can even cause damage to the skin of younger people, for example perioral dermatitis.

How to really protect your skin against aging

How to really and effectively fight skin aging? It is necessary, from a young age, to protect the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays and avoid tanning lamps – advises the dermatologist -. Therefore, do not expose yourself to the sun in the central hours of the day and always use sunscreen to protect yourself from the damage caused by ultraviolet rays. This damage, in fact, can promote both skin aging and the development of skin tumors.
What type of sunscreen should you wear? Even in this case, sunscreens are not all the same – recalls Dr. Colonna –. Starting from the assumption that protection must always be the highest, respecting the subject’s phototype and taking into account the pathologies from which he suffers, there are other aspects to consider such as, for example, oil-free protections, suitable for oily acne-prone skin , but not suitable for those with atopic skin. Tanning lamps are absolutely not recommended at all stages of life as they favor the predisposition to skin blemishes and skin tumors.

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February 3, 2024 (modified February 3, 2024 | 07:59)

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