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Whindersson Nunes says he lost another son and ‘almost died’ in England

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Whindersson Nunes says he lost another son and ‘almost died’ in England

Statements by the comedian on social media sparked discussion between him and other users

2 fev
– 13h24

(updated at 2:12 pm)

Whindersson Nunes revealed, in a post on the social network He also commented on the possibility of having a child through a supportive belly.

Whindersson Nunes was criticized on social media after sharing details of his personal life

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Comedian Whindersson Nunes, 29, revealed in a post on the social network X, the former Twitter, this Friday, the 2nd, that he went through delicate situations in the last year. He reported that he lost another son, and that he “almost died” on a trip to England.

During the night, Whindersson shared his personal situations and said that his life “is not a soap opera” to his followers. Many users on the social network criticized the fact that he wanted to have a child through a supportive belly.

“Last year, I had another child and lost it again, I almost died from an anaphylactic shock in a sauna in England, I broke my hand on a beach in the Bermuda Triangle. My life is not the soap opera you want it to be,” he wrote.

Comedian said he lost another son

Photo: Reproduction/X

The comedian also shared some criticism he received involving his exes Maria Lina and Luísa Sonza, and the possibility of him having a child through a supportive belly.

“My God in heaven. I refused to believe that his relationships didn’t work out because he just wanted a woman to give birth to, but after that, I had confirmation. The wretch just wants a human incubator to generate his offspring”, posted one internet user.

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“Or because I ended the lives of some women, as they say, I might want to try to have a family without putting someone’s reputation at risk. You must be a detestable girl, don’t worry, I don’t want it with you”, he replied. Whindersson.

He was also accused of abandoning his two exes, and of being responsible for the end of his marriage to Sonza “because he was a drug addict”. He shared prints and made fun of the situation saying: “I’m going to make a song called Drogado Abandonador de Lares no Puerpério. Maybe I’ll gain something from it.”

Understand the case

In May 2021, Whindersson was expecting João Miguel, his first child with his then-girlfriend Maria Lina. The baby died after being born 22 weeks premature. A pregnancy considered healthy usually lasts around 40 weeks.

On social media, the comedian mentioned the possibility of using a supportive belly to become a solo father. He asked if Brazilian law allowed the practice. “Is supportive care for single fathers allowed in Brazil? I wanted my son to be Brazilian”, he explained.

The post gained repercussion and one internet user insinuated that he should adopt a child, instead of having a child through a supportive belly. “And what does it have to do with my experience of losing a child and wanting to give birth in the same way?”, replied Whindersson.

What is supportive belly?

The supportive belly is technically called a surrogate uterus. The method consists of a person giving up their uterus to carry another person’s baby. The process is used by single parents, same-sex couples, people with infertility, among others. The procedure is done with in vitro fertilization (IVF), an assisted reproduction technique.

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In Brazil, surrogacy is not allowed. In the supportive belly, there is no financial interest behind the pregnancy. In other words, it is non-profit. The Regional Council of Medicine (CRM) details, in resolution 2,320/2022, the rules for the solidarity belly in Brazil.

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