Home » mRNA vaccination: The method in which cancer researchers are now placing great hopes

mRNA vaccination: The method in which cancer researchers are now placing great hopes

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mRNA vaccination: The method in which cancer researchers are now placing great hopes

There are already two effective vaccinations against cancer: Although we cannot be vaccinated directly against cancer cells, we can be vaccinated against infections that can lead to the development of certain types of cancer. This is the case with dangerous cervical cancer. The cause of this is human papilloma viruses (HPV), and you can be vaccinated against it. This vaccination can be considered a success story.

Preventative vaccination has been around since the early 2000s. It protects people from infection with high-risk types of papilloma viruses. The infection itself does not cause cancer, but it can lead to it if the virus permanently implants itself in the mucous membrane cells and triggers pre-cancerous stages there.

Another preventive vaccination is against hepatitis B viruses and thus against liver tumors that can arise from chronic hepatitis B. According to the Cancer Information Service, around four percent of all cancers in industrialized nations are due to infections with viruses or bacteria. The proportion is higher in developing countries.

Existing cancers can be treated with mRNA vaccinations

In addition to these two recommended preventive vaccinations, there are therapeutic vaccinations that are being intensively researched. A therapeutic vaccination is used to treat an existing cancer. Among other things, mRNA vaccines can train the immune system to fight tumor cells and teach it to recognize cancer cells and eliminate them individually and quickly. And with only minor side effects. To do this, certain requirements must be met.

“According to current knowledge, mRNA vaccinations are particularly an option when the tumor tissue has already been largely removed from the body through an operation, for example. “Then with the mRNA vaccination in combination with other active ingredients you have a better chance of eliminating the cancer cells that may still remain in the body and that could lead to a relapse,” says Susanne Weg-Remers from the German Cancer Information Service.

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In the best case scenario, even more patients could improve their chances of recovery through an mRNA vaccination. Doctors can tailor the therapy individually to the characteristics of the tumor. The mRNA vaccine against cancer is based on the same technology as the mRNA vaccines against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

First study successes with mRNA vaccination against black skin cancer

The cancer cells can be recognized because, ideally, they have typical features on their surface that either do not occur at all or do not occur so often on healthy cells. Doctors use these so-called tumor antigens to develop vaccinations against cancer cells.

The patient receives a vaccine that triggers an immune response against the tumor antigens. This is intended to teach the immune system to defend itself against cells with these antigens. With the therapeutic mRNA vaccination, researchers have already achieved initial success in early clinical studies, for example in malignant melanoma.

“An international clinical study on mRNA therapy for malignant melanoma, i.e. black skin cancer, with a thousand patients is planned for 2024. This is then the basis for approval,” says Weg-Remers. Other types of cancer that are the focus of research include colon cancer and lung cancer. These two are among the most common forms of cancer.”

A major challenge is the wide range of tumors. “There are over 200 types of cancer and other subtypes that differ in their molecular properties. “Now finding the ‘magic bullet’ that can prevent or treat all these different types of cancer through a vaccination is very difficult,” says Weg-Remers.

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Researchers point out: Development of vaccines against cancer is still in its early stages

According to the Cancer Information Service, almost half a million people in Germany alone develop cancer every year. In 2021, almost 230,000 people died from the disease. Behind the statistics and behind every number there are people with their personal fate and all the fears that the specter of “cancer” triggers.

Despite all the successes to date, researchers repeatedly point out that vaccine development is still in its early stages. Initial results show that vaccination can be effective against cancer, but many large clinical trials comparing the new approaches with standard therapies are still missing.

“Cancer therapy will continue to be a therapy in which different methods are combined”

In addition, the disease situations are very different: If, for example, a tumor has been removed from a patient and individual tumor cells that still remain in the body are to be combated, this is a completely different treatment requirement than if metastases have already formed.

“I assume that cancer therapy will continue to be a therapy in which different methods will be combined in order to achieve good results,” Weg-Remers is convinced.

Author: Gudrun Heise

*The article “The hope for mRNA vaccination against cancer” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact the person responsible here.

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