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We had ignored this element without knowing that it produces more energy than hydrogen – Teach me about Science

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We had ignored this element without knowing that it produces more energy than hydrogen – Teach me about Science

Scientists Make Groundbreaking Discovery in Nuclear Fusion

Have you ever wondered what our planet would be like if the energy we use was cleaner, more efficient and environmentally friendly? Well, it looks like we’re taking an important step in that direction thanks to an exciting discovery in the area of nuclear fusion. The scientists of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have found that liquid lithium may be the key to making fusion energy more effective than ever.

Nuclear fusion is like the process that powers the sun. Instead of burning fuels as we do in most of our power plants today, the energy from fusion combines atoms to release a massive amount of energy. It is a powerful and clean way to generate electricity without the harmful emissions associated with fossil fuels.

Now, scientists have been using devices called tokamaks to try to make nuclear fusion practical and affordable. These devices use magnetic fields to maintain and control something called plasma, which is essentially hot gas made up of electrically charged particles. The idea is to contain the energy released during fusion so that we can use it in a controlled way.

In the Experiment Beta Tokamak of Lithium (LTX-beta), scientists discovered that by adding a layer of liquid lithium to the internal walls of the tokamak, they were able to keep the hot plasma on the border. Keeping it warm is crucial for this approach to work. The liquid lithium acts as a type of shield for the internal walls of the device, protecting them from the intense heat of the plasma and surprisingly absorbing 40% of the ions of hydrogen expelled by the plasma.

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This is a significant discovery because liquid lithium can make the entire process more efficient and cost-effective. Imagine if we could make machines smaller and cheaper to take advantage of the energy of fusion. That could make this technology more accessible and attractive for governments and industries.

These findings were presented at a major physics meeting and published in the journal Nuclear Materials and Energy. Liquid lithium, which had already been studied in previous research with solid lithium coatings, proved to be more suitable for use in large-scale tokamaks. This is exciting because it could mean less need for repairs as it acts as a shield against the heat of the plasma.

It turns out that liquid lithium helps maintain a hot shoulder in the plasma, which is essential for the approach in these devices. Fewer hydrogen ions are recycled in the process, cooling the shoulder of the plasma. This means that the temperature in the shoulder is closer to the temperature in the center of the plasma, avoiding problems and making the process more stable.

Liquid lithium also allows a significant increase in the density of the plasma when high-energy neutral particles are shot into it to heat it. In contrast, solid lithium only showed a small increase in density. A greater plasma density means more energy we can harness.

This groundbreaking discovery opens up new possibilities for the future of nuclear fusion energy. With the potential to make the process more efficient, cost-effective, and stable, liquid lithium could be a game-changer in the quest for a cleaner and more sustainable source of energy.

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