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What is the Correct Writing of Isra Miraj? Read the explanation

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What is the Correct Writing of Isra Miraj?  Read the explanation


Based on Islamic calendar calculations, Isra Mikraj commemorated on 27 Rajab. This year, the Isra Mikraj commemoration falls on February 8, 2024.

On the occasion of Isra Mikraj, the Prophet SAW was ordered to pray five times a day. Then, how? Isra Miraj writing is true? Here’s the information.

The meaning of the term Isra Mikraj is listed in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). Based on KBBI, the correct writing is Isra Mikraj. The meaning of Isra Mikraj according to the KBBI is:



  • isra/is·ra/ n Isl journey of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. at night from Masjidilharam in Mecca to Masjidilaksa in Baitulmukadas with a burak vehicle;
  • — Mikraj Isl event of Prophet Muhammad’s journey. from Masjidil Haram to Masjidilaksa, directly to Sidratul-muntaha at night to receive the command to pray five times a day

About Isra Mikraj Terminology

There are various Isra Mikraj writings circulating, both in mass media and social media. Some of the writings of the term Isra Mikraj.

  • Isra Mi’raj
  • Isra Miraj
  • Isra Mikraj
  • Isra’ Mi’raj
  • Israk Mikraj

However, based on the KBBI, the correct writing is Isra Mikraj. Quoted from the official website of the Aceh Language Center, Ministry of Education and Culture, the term Isra Mikraj comes from Arabic.

Thus, the term Isra Mikraj comes from a foreign language. In the General Guidelines for the Formation of Terms (Language Center, edition III, 2007), it is stated that the matching of foreign terms into Indonesian is done in three ways, namely:

  • Translation
  • Absorption or combined translation
  • Absorption
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Isra Mikraj is the term absorption. The original form is as follows.

Isra and Mi’raj [isrā’ wa mi`rāj]

The term Isra Mikraj was formed through absorption with slight adjustments to the spelling and pronunciation. Referring to the General Guidelines for Formation of Terms, the absorption process must pay attention to the following principles.

  • Foreign terms that will be absorbed increase the reciprocal copyability of foreign languages ​​and Indonesian (intertranslatability) considering future needs.
  • The foreign terms that will be absorbed make it easier for Indonesian readers to understand foreign texts because they are known first.
  • The foreign terms that will be absorbed are more concise when compared to the Indonesian translation.
  • Foreign terms that will be absorbed make it easier to agree between experts if the translation equivalents have too many synonyms.
  • The foreign terms that will be absorbed are more suitable and appropriate because they do not contain bad connotations.

The origin of Isra Mikraj

According to the website of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag RI), Isra Mikraj is two journeys made by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in one night. On this occasion, the Prophet SAW was ordered to pray five times a day and night.

Isra Mikraj happened in the final period of prophethood in Makkah, before Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated to Madinah. According to al-Maududi and the majority of scholars, Isra Mikraj occurred in the first year before the Hijrah, which is between the years 620-621 AD.

The term Isra Mikraj comes from the words Isra and Mikraj separately. Said Isra explains about the journey of the Prophet Muhammad SAW from Masjidil Haram in Makkah to Masjidil Aqsa in Palestine by riding a buraq.

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Buraq is depicted as a figure like a white horse, with wings and a tail like a peacock. Therefore, Rasulullah SAW’s journey from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque could be taken in a short time.

Meanwhile, Mikraj is the event of the Prophet SAW’s journey from Masjidil Aqsa to Sidratul Muntaha or the seventh heaven. When he reached the seventh heaven, Prophet Muhammad SAW received a direct order from Allah SWT to perform the five obligatory prayers.

That’s the information about the question Isra Miraj writing is true based on the writing rules above. Hope it is useful!


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