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Red Bull team boss in sight – “Inappropriate behavior”: investigation against Horner – Sport

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Red Bull team boss in sight – “Inappropriate behavior”: investigation against Horner – Sport

Red Bull team boss in sight – “Inappropriate behavior”: investigation against Horner – Sport – SRF

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Before the start of the new Formula 1 season, an accusation against Red Bull team boss Christian Horner is causing a stir.

Legend: Aggressive leadership style? An investigation is underway against Christian Horner. imago images/NurPhoto

Red Bull is investigating an allegation against its British Formula 1 team boss Christian Horner for allegedly inappropriate behavior towards an employee.

Red Bull said in its statement that it was taking the matter “extremely seriously.” An independent investigation will be launched into the latest allegations. “It will be carried out by an external, independent investigation lawyer and will be completed as quickly as possible,” said the Red Bull statement.

Horner rejects allegations

The company did not comment specifically on the allegations against Horner. The 50-year-old, who has been team boss since 2005, denied the allegations in the Dutch newspaper The Telegraph completely back.

The newspaper was the first to report on the case and, according to its own account, relies on several sources. Horner said the complaint allegedly related to his aggressive leadership style.

The new Formula 1 season begins on the first weekend in March with the Bahrain Grand Prix.


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