Home » Prince Harry is ill: he has been treated for years but has not recovered

Prince Harry is ill: he has been treated for years but has not recovered

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Prince Harry is suffering from a disease he has been carrying around for several years now. Here is what his current health conditions are

The news of the last hour is that according to which Harry He is his brother William soon they may appear together again. However, the occasion is that of a documentary made by the BBC in memory of the late Prince Philip, who passed away on April 9th.

Principe Harry (Instagram)

The event could at least partially dampen the spirits after the earthquake that shook the Windsor family, following accusations of racism by Meghan Markle, which denounced everything during an interview with the microphones of Oprah Winfrey which quickly went around the world.

According to the words of the former American actress, to be the victim of a racial episode would have been his son Archie. The reason is connected to the color of the child’s skin, however only denials and no confirmation came from the Crown.

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The disease that struck Prince Harry

On May 21st, the docu-series created by the aforementioned American interviewer entitled “The me you can’t see”, broadcast by the Apple TV platform. Inside it is the presence of the prince Harry, as the main topic is health, a subject dear to the Duke of Sussex.

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The latter in fact, he confessed to being suffering from a disease that has haunted him for some time now. William’s brother apparently suffers from severe anxiety attacks every time he returns to London. This comes from a feeling of being a “hunted prey”, just like the one his mother had, the late Lady Diana: “She was hunted by reporters while having an affair with a black person … and I feared the same would happen to me with Meghan”.

Harry e Meghan (Instagram)

To try to counter this disorder, Harry has been in therapy for about five years. The latter is called “Emdr”, which means “Eye Moviment Desensitation and Reprocessing”. This technique consists of a series of eye movements combined with contact with the palms of the hands, which would help to resolve various mental pathologies, including anxiety, depression, painful bereavement and addictions.

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