Home » “Betrayal pays dearly”: La Libertad Avanza’s warning to governors

“Betrayal pays dearly”: La Libertad Avanza’s warning to governors

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“Betrayal pays dearly”: La Libertad Avanza’s warning to governors

Freedom Advances (LLA) launched a harsh accusation against the governors and maintained that there was a “betrayal” on their part when dealing with the so-called ‘omnibus law’ promoted by the Government. This Tuesday, February 6, the session adjourned and the project returned to committee after consensus was not achieved to approve key articles.

“Betrayal pays dearly and La Libertad Avanza is not going to allow governors to extort the people to maintain their privileges. The Base Law returns to committee”Javier Milei’s party published shortly after the law treatment fell.

In its account on the social network

Francos after the fall of negotiations in Congress: “We were surprised by the vote”

From his personal X account, President Javier Milei also referred to what happened and said that “the caste” was “against the people” in a statement.

“The caste was against the change that we Argentines voted for at the polls,” expressed Milei and pointed out that “it is not going to be easy to change a system where politicians became rich at the expense of Argentines who wake up every day to work”.

“Our government program was voted for by 56% of Argentines and we are not willing to negotiate it with those who destroyed the country,” said the president. In Milei’s words, “there are political sectors that resist making the changes that the country needs,” so those sectors “are going to have to explain to society why.”

Finally, he warned: “We are going to continue with our program with or without the support of the political leadership that destroyed our country.”

The ruling party suffered a tough defeat in the Deputies and accuses that the agreements were not fulfilled

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Guillermo Francos explained why the ruling party backed down with the omnibus law

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francosmaintained that the ruling party sent the Bases law to committee again in the Chamber of Deputies because “the delegation of powers” to the Executive Branch was dismantled in its articles.

“Several sectors that were willing to accompany and approved the treatment of the law, ended up voting with the Kirchnerimos bloc to cut the powers that were requested,” said Francos, although he clarified that “Everyone has the right to vote as they wish.”

The official stated that the La Libertad Avanza (LLA) bloc “decided to return the project to committee because the law began to dismantle its articles of delegation of powers.”

“If a law is passed declaring an emergency in economic and financial matters and, in its treatment in particular, the tools are not given to deal with that emergency, the treatment of the law does not make any sense,” Francos said in statements to the television channel. news TN.

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