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A well-groomed appearance is not a question of age

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A well-groomed appearance is not a question of age

CONSUMER INITIATIVE about cosmetics for the older years

Berlin, February 7, 2024. As we get older, skin care requirements change. Cosmetics that are tailored to this can help you feel comfortable in your skin and promote self-confidence. The CONSUMER INITIATIVE provides tips on suitable products and provides information about ingredients and their effects.

Skin and hair naturally change over the years. This aging process cannot be stopped, but everyone can decide how they want to deal with it. Many older people no longer see age as a flaw that they have to fight or hide. Rather, for them it is a valuable part of life that they want to use meaningfully. This also includes facing age-related changes in skin and hair calmly and making the best of them.

“It is clear that cosmetics cannot stop the aging process. However, it has been proven that appropriate care can build up mature skin and counteract the effects of skin aging. This makes it look fresher and smoother,” says Alexandra Borchard-Becker from VERBRAUCHER INITIATIVE. For example, moisturizing active ingredients that are naturally contained in the skin’s hydrolipidic film have proven to be effective. These include urea, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid (PCA), other amino acids and lactic acid. They are collectively known as Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF). Other active ingredients include: B. Vitamin A, other vitamins and collagen compounds are used to improve the condition of the skin.

The CONSUMER INITIATIVE has compiled a list of the age-related changes that occur in the skin and hair, the needs that result from this for its care and which ingredients are suitable in the special issue “Cosmetics for the older years”. The 16-page brochure can be ordered or downloaded for 2.00 euros (plus shipping) at www.verbraucher.com.

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The VERBRAUCHER INITIATIVE eV is the federal association of critical consumers founded in 1985. The focus is on ecological, health and social consumer work.

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