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Professor Agnelli in the new AIFA Commission – ANSA Agency

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Professor Agnelli in the new AIFA Commission – ANSA Agency

Professor Agnelli, a renowned and respected figure in the scientific and medical community, has been appointed as a member of the new Aifa Commission, making headlines in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.

The Aifa agency, responsible for regulating and monitoring the safety and effectiveness of drugs in Italy, has made a significant step towards progress with the inclusion of Professor Agnelli in their new commission. In an interview with Il Manifesto, Professor Agnelli expressed his commitment to embracing innovation and a forward-thinking approach in the evaluation of new drugs.

The commission, led by super experts and including women and scientists, aims to ensure a comprehensive and holistic evaluation process for new drugs entering the market. Professor Agnelli emphasized the need for an approach that goes beyond solely focusing on financial considerations, stating that “20% of the drugs that will arrive are innovative and we need an approach that is not just accounting.”

In an interview with Quotidiano Sanità, Guido Rasi, the head of Aifa, highlighted the importance of having experts who will decide on the “drugs of the future.” The new commission is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare in Italy by carefully evaluating and approving drugs that have the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes.

The inclusion of Professor Agnelli in the new Aifa Commission has been praised by many in the medical and scientific communities, with Il Sole 24 ORE reporting that this move represents a positive step towards creating a more inclusive and forward-thinking approach to drug evaluation in Italy.

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With the appointment of Professor Agnelli and other esteemed experts, the new Aifa Commission is set to make a lasting impact on the healthcare landscape in Italy, ensuring that the evaluation and approval of new drugs are conducted with the highest standards of scientific rigor and patient safety in mind.

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