Home » The “passport” that will help preserve the heart in case of cancer is coming

The “passport” that will help preserve the heart in case of cancer is coming

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The “passport” that will help preserve the heart in case of cancer is coming

A “tailor-made” initiative for cardiovascular health in patients undergoing cancer treatment begins. Is called “Cardio Oncology Passport“. In practice, it is an electronic file for all cancer patients. The objective is to obtain a cardiovascular assessment of the patients before starting therapies, in order to be able to identify and control any complications caused by them over time, even after Not only that: given the spread of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes, thanks to these data it will be possible to ensure the best oncological treatment for heart disease patients.

The project is presented on the occasion of the national cardiovascular prevention initiative “Open Cardiologies 2024”, now in its eighteenth edition, created by the Foundation for Your Heart HCF ONLUS of the Italian Hospital Cardiologists (Anmco). During the week from 12 to 18 February, the Foundation will make available the toll-free number 800 05 22 33 dedicated to citizens who will be able to call for free, every day from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm, to ask questions on problems related to diseases of the heart: 600 cardiologists from the facilities participating in the initiative will respond, with 1300 hours of free cardiological consultancy.

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Attention to cardio-oncology

Cancer treatments, although different, can in some cases have repercussions on the heart. For this reason, starting a path dedicated to cancer patients is essential, as already happens in many structures, thanks to the collaboration between oncologists and cardiologists, even in the long term.

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“The data highlight that in recent years the survival of cancer patients has increased significantly, but the positive effects obtained in terms of increased survival and recovery can be counterbalanced by important side effects, in some cases even serious, and among these are adverse cardiovascular effects should certainly be kept in the foreground – he explains Domenico Gabrielli, President of the Anmco Foundation for Your Heart and Director of Cardiology at the San Camillo Hospital in Rome. Cardioncology is a relatively recent discipline, in full development, dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the various cardiovascular complications of anti-tumor therapies, in order to allow the individual patient the best possible treatment of the tumor, reducing the risk of cardiovascular toxicity”.

The dual approach to treatment is fundamental

The important thing, however, is to be able to find the most appropriate answers, case by case. “Timely access to a cardiac oncology service is vital to allow cancer treatment to start and continue safely without interruption,” he comments. Fabrizio Oliva, National President of Anmco and Director of Cardiology 1 of the Niguarda Hospital in Milan. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that a dedicated cardio-oncology service can facilitate the optimization of cardiovascular treatment and enable high rates of completion of cancer therapy even among high-risk populations. In fact, we are witnessing the paradox whereby the improvement in the prognosis of neoplasms means that over the years the risk of morbidity and mortality linked to cardiovascular diseases exceeds that of cancer”.

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A week to protect the heart

“Open Cardiologies” returns to take place also in person and in some cardiologies personalized cardiological screenings and/or debates and training events on various topics will be carried out free of charge. The calendar of planned activities is published on the Foundation’s website with the days and times of telephone response as well as the in-person initiatives throughout the entire territory.

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The focus is not only on cardiovascular pathologies potentially associated with oncological treatments, but also on atrial fibrillationgender cardiology, heart failure and prevention of modifiable risk factors. The objective is to raise awareness among citizens and therefore prevent some of the most widespread cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases leading cause of hospitalization

“The reduction in mortality and the lengthening of average life expect us to reflect carefully today since they also play an important role in the development of diseases linked to ageing – continues the expert. Cardiovascular diseases represent the first cause of hospital admission, in addition and mortality, confirming itself together with tumors as one of the main causes of disability. Today more than ever it is therefore necessary to develop concrete educational actions for the prevention and promotion of heart health“.

In particular, it is necessary to focus on the modifiable risk factors on which it is possible to intervene, considerably reducing cardiovascular risk, thanks to a healthy lifestyle, correct nutrition and appropriate pharmacological correction where necessary. “I am referring for example tohypertension arterial, al diabetes mellitus, to dyslipidemia, smoking, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle – concludes Gabrielli. The suggestion is therefore a balanced diet, adequate physical activity and the abolition of smoking and alcohol, healthy choices that bring great benefits from conception to old age”.

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