Home » The “Ligorodo” association stands up against the war in eastern DRC

The “Ligorodo” association stands up against the war in eastern DRC

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The “Ligorodo” association stands up against the war in eastern DRC

Say no to the unjust war imposed on Congo by Rwanda under the cover of the March 23 Movement (M23) and Uganda by exposing images. This was one of the major themes raised by the association of cartoonists and press cartoonists from the DRC called “Ligorodo” translate “Toad”, on the occasion of the cultural exhibition in Grenoble in France organized there a few days where 5 Congolese artists took center stage.

The Congolese and African communities responded to this colorful meeting where 5 artists, namely Albert Luba, Al Mata, Jérémie Nsingi, Roger Bleu and Picha Masma exhibited their boards.

The president of the “Ligorodo” association, Narcisse Massamba, better known as
“Picha Masma”, in his speech, denounced the acts of violence and war raging in the eastern part of the DRC and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

« The purpose of our meeting this evening is to expose our works to the general public to denounce all forms of violence. In a society where violence has been trivialized for a long time… Freedom of expression through culture is a last resort. This exhibition therefore consists of sounding the alarm. And this, with the aim of denouncing through words and images the evils that are gnawing at our society.“, he said.


This exhibition was also a showcase to present the “Kitoko” cultural and artistic center, namely “Beauty”, which is intended to be a mosaic bringing together artists from several disciplines.

According to the Communications Officer of the “Kitoko” Center, Michaël Mulopo, this structure’s main mission is not only to promote artists in their mission as socio-cultural actors. But also and above all to support them in order to raise their voice or drive social change through their weapons which are, in fact, their talents.

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According to Mati Osango, Manager of the “Kitoko” Cultural and Artistic Center, several projects are being developed, including the upcoming comic strip competition. This 9th art mass will take place next November in France and will focus on the fight against violence.

The DRC has been in the grip of war for more than 25 years. Basically, Paul Kagame’s Rwanda has been in power since 2000, Yoweri Museveni’s Uganda has been in power since 1986 under the cover of a myriad of rebel and terrorist groups. This, in synergy with certain Western countries which pull the strings to plunder the soil and subsoil resources of this African giant with its feet of clay.

Nesta Stones

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