Home » Polls, Salvini is right. The Italians: no Ursula-bis. Cdx united in the EU

Polls, Salvini is right. The Italians: no Ursula-bis. Cdx united in the EU

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Polls, Salvini is right.  The Italians: no Ursula-bis.  Cdx united in the EU

Polls, only 32.4% of Italians are in favor of a second mandate for Ursula von der Leyen at the helm of the European Commission

Italians and the people of the Center Right are with Matteo Salvini on the key issues of the European Union in view of the elections on 8-9 June. This is the main data from the survey carried out for Affaritaliani.it by Roberto Baldassari, general director of Lab21.01.

Only 32.4% of Italians are in favor of a second mandate for Ursula von der Leyen at the helm of the European Commission. As many as 67.6% of the sample was against. Exactly the line of the Northern League deputy prime minister, despite the excellent relationship of Giorgia Meloni (and also Antonio Tajani) with Ursula (FdI and Forza Italia ready to vote for her for an encore).

Not only. 70.2% of Italians want, as Salvini has been asking for months, that the Center-right should also unite in Europe as it did in Italy. Only 29.8% of those interviewed were against this position (sample of centre-right voters only, in this case).

Between parties, Fratelli d’Italia drops to 29.3%. The League still above 9%, Forza Italia rises slightly. Pd below 20% and M5S down to 15.7%. Alleanza Verdi Sinistra exceeds the 4% threshold. On the Action thread, under Italia Viva.

Poll 11 February

Poll 11 February

Poll 11 February

Poll 11 February

Poll 11 February

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