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«Israel makes a mistake, disproportionate reaction on civilians»

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«Israel makes a mistake, disproportionate reaction on civilians»

5.57pm US investigating possible war crimes by Israel

The United States is investigating possible war crimes committed by Israel, despite publicly claiming otherwise. The Huffington Post reports this, citing some sources, according to which the Biden administration has been evaluating possible violations of international laws for months. At the State Department, some officials are investigating Israeli actions in Gaza that may constitute violations. Human rights abuses that may violate American law are also being assessed.

5.46pm Schlein: «Call call to Meloni? We are not interested in internal derbies”

The outcome of the telephone conversation with Meloni? «We will measure it over time. We are not interested in internal derbies but we are interested in contributing as Italy to the end of this conflict and to a stronger EU initiative to be able to reach a peace conference and a political solution. For us the first step is this humanitarian ceasefire that we have been asking for months. I think it’s positive that it was possible.” Thus Elly Schlein speaking to reporters in the Chamber.

5.10pm Middle East, Schlein: good Tajani on a disproportionate response, a judgment we have been making for some time

“I recalled the words of Minister Tajani and it is good that the government says that Israel’s response is disproportionate, it is a judgment that we too have been making for some time.” This is how Elly Schlein responds to reporters in the Chamber on the words of Minister Antonio Tajani. Is there a change in the government’s position? “We will measure this over time,” replies the Democratic secretary.

4.56pm Middle East, Chamber approves PD motion for ceasefire

The point of the Pd motion, first signed by Elly Schlein, which calls for an immediate ceasefire in Mo, passes to the Chamber. OK to the commitment «to support every initiative aimed at pursuing the unconditional release of the Israeli hostages and to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza in order to protect the safety of the civilian population of Gaza, also guaranteeing the provision of continuous, rapid humanitarian aid and safe within the Strip.”

4.53pm The US insists: too many civilians killed in Gaza

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“Too many civilians have been killed in the conflict in Gaza.” The spokesman for the US National Security Council, John Kirby, reiterated this in a press briefing. “We have been very clear on this point with Israel and we are working to reduce the number of civilian casualties,” the official added.

4.20pm Two phone calls during the day between Meloni and Schlein

As far as we know, Elly Schlein and Giorgia Meloni spoke twice today. At the center of the telephone conversations – the first shorter and the second more detailed – between the secretary of the Democratic Party and the prime minister is the situation in the Middle East, a comparison in light of the discussion underway in the Chamber with the motion presented by the dems in which they ask the humanitarian ceasefire and a peace conference.

3.44pm Hamas delegation in Cairo for negotiations with Khalil al-Hayya (deputy of leader Yahya Sinwar)

Leading the Hamas delegation to Cairo for the negotiations is Khalil al-Hayya, deputy of Hama leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar. A Hamas source said this to the Lebanese agency Al Mayadeen, quoted by Haaretz which shortly before reported that Sinwar himself was leading the delegation. In Cairo, al-Hayya – according to this source – will see the head of Egyptian intelligence Abbas Kamel as part of the negotiations mediated together with Qatar and the USA.

2.52pm Meloni-Schlein phone call on the Middle East

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Democratic Party secretary Elly Schlein spoke on the phone. Theme of the conversation was the Middle East. In recent days the PD secretary had announced that she would call the prime minister.

2.05pm Paris delivers ceasefire plan to Beirut

France has delivered to Beirut a proposal to end hostilities with Israel, which includes, among other things, the retreat of Hezbollah militias 10 km north of the border. The document seen by Reuters, the first in writing after weeks of Western mediation, was delivered by Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne. The three-phase plan first calls for 10-day easing of tension. the retreat of Hezbollah and, finally, a border negotiation with the support of Unifil

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1.09pm Media: progress in Cairo for a 6-week truce

Israel and Hamas have made “progress” towards an agreement leading to a 6-week ceasefire and the release of hostages in Gaza. The Times of Israel reported this, citing two sources with direct knowledge of the talks taking place in Cairo. According to an Egyptian official, the mediators have achieved what they described as “relatively significant” progress and that the parties are now focused on drawing up “a final draft” for a 6-week ceasefire with the guarantee of further negotiations for a permanent. A Western source, while evoking caution, underlined the importance of today’s meeting.

10.47 Tajani: Israel makes a mistake, disproportionate reaction on civilians

“At this point Israel’s reaction is disproportionate, there are too many victims who have nothing to do with Hamas.” Thus Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, guest of Ping Pong on Radio1, asks Israel to “avoid reprisals against the Palestinian civilian population”. Returning to the controversy between the Israeli ambassador and Sanremo, the deputy prime minister believes that «balance has been restored with Venier’s intervention. I don’t think there is genocide, of course Israel is wrong because it is causing too many civilian victims. We must aim for the release of the hostages and ensure that the violence of the Israeli attacks ceases.”

09:39 Iran: the US does not have the honesty to seek a solution in Gaza

“The United States does not have the honesty to help find a political solution that will end the war in Gaza,” said Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian at an evening meeting in Doha with his colleague and Prime Minister of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani. As for the fighting in Rafah, “Washington says it does not want the Gaza conflict to spread to the region, while it continues to provide military support to the Zionist regime, which is being used to attack and kill the Palestinian population,” Amirabdollahian said, quoted by Irna agency. In the meeting, writes Irna, Qatari Prime Minister Al-Thani reported the diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire in Gaza.

09:25 Iran launches long-range ballistic missile from ship

The Revolutionary Guards fired a long-range ballistic missile from their warship for the first time, amid concerns from the United States and its allies about Iran’s missile activities and its support for military operations by regional militias, called resistance groups from Iran, particularly in the Gaza war. “The success of the test demonstrated Iran’s naval power and the improvement of its naval capabilities to strike any target around the world,” said Revolutionary Guards commander Hossein Salami, quoted by Mehr.

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08:15 The Israeli Air Force strikes Hezbollah’s “terrorist infrastructure”

The Israeli Air Force struck Hezbollah’s “terrorist infrastructure” in the Tallouseh area in southern Lebanon last night: the army announced this on Telegram. Yesterday morning, Israeli Defense Force fighter jets hit a military complex in the Blida area and a Hezbollah observation post in the Khiam area was hit with artillery fire, the message concludes.

07:43 China asks Israel to stop military operation in Rafah

China calls on Israel to stop the military operation in Rafah “as soon as possible”, warning that it risks “a serious humanitarian disaster”. In a note, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson states: «China opposes and condemns actions that harm civilians and violate international law», Israel must «stop military operations as soon as possible and make every effort to avoid civilian casualties innocent… to prevent a more serious humanitarian disaster in the Rafah area.”

07:28 Biden: “We are working for a six-week truce”

With King Abdullah II of Jordan, «a hostage agreement between Israel and Hamas, which would bring an immediate and prolonged period of calm in Gaza, for at least six weeks, was discussed. We could then take the time to turn it into something more lasting.” US President Joe Biden said this while meeting journalists at the White House. «The key elements of the agreement are on the table – said Biden, addressing journalists next to the king at the White House – Gaps remain, but I have encouraged Israeli leaders to continue working to reach the agreement. The United States will do everything possible to make this happen.” Biden did not explain what the “gaps” are in the agreement.

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