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“You bowed to Putin”

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“You bowed to Putin”

“Donald Trump bowed to Vladimir Putin. I will never do it.” Joe Biden, president of the United States, goes on the attack. Former President Donald Trump is in the crosshairs, vehemently criticized for his statements on NATO and Russia in recent days. According to Trump, essentially, Putin would do well to attack NATO members who do not contribute adequately to defense spending. Biden speaks at the White House after the Senate gave the green light to the law which, among other things, allocates 61 billion dollars for weapons and aid to Ukraine. The measure still has to be voted on in the House, where the Republican majority – with Trump in the background – could block.

“The stakes were already high for American security before this bill passed the Senate. In recent days, the stakes have been raised. This has happened because the former president sent a dangerous and anti-American signal to the world in a shocking way “A few days ago Trump called on Putin to invade some of our allies, members of NATO. He said that if an ally doesn’t spend enough money on defense, then he would encourage Russia ‘to do whatever it wants,'” Biden says.

“Can you imagine a former president of the United States saying something like that? The whole world has heard it. And the worst thing is, he actually means it. No other president in our history has bowed to a Russian dictator. Let me be clear: I will never do it. It’s crazy, shameful, dangerous. It’s anti-American. When America gives its word, it has a meaning. When we make a commitment, we keep it. And NATO is a sacred commitment. Donald Trump makes NATO look like a burden”, adds the president.

“When he thinks of NATO, he doesn’t see an alliance that protects America and the world. He doesn’t understand that NATO is built on the fundamental principles of freedom, security, national sovereignty. Principles don’t matter for Trump, everything is fluctuating. understands that the sacred commitment we have made is useful to us too. I would like to remind Trump, and all those who would like to leave NATO, that Article 5 – which guarantees the defense of an attacked member – has only been invoked once in the history of the alliance. And it happened to support America when we were attacked on 9/11. We should never forget that.”

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