Home » Gaza, phone calls (more than one) and… Schlein beats Meloni and shadows Conte

Gaza, phone calls (more than one) and… Schlein beats Meloni and shadows Conte

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Gaza, phone calls (more than one) and… Schlein beats Meloni and shadows Conte

Schlein’s response to the secret meeting between Conte and Landini. Blame from the leader of the Democratic Party

A Eurogoal. A goal in the 90th minute that wins you the Champions League. Yesterday in the courtroom at Montecitorio Elly Schlein she surprised everyone and made a very important point which strongly relaunches her as opposition leader and casts a shadow on Giuseppe Conte. Let’s recap what happened. On a topic dear to the left like that of the Middle East and Palestine, the Pd he wrote the motion first and wrote it in a balanced way, being very careful not to use the word “genocide” and strongly condemning Hamas as a terrorist organization recalling the tragic events of October 7th.

But at the same time, with the secretary’s first signature, the motion clearly states that we need an immediate ceasefire and recognition of the principle of two peoples, two states. All referring to a vote that took place in the early 2000s in the European Parliament and then also in the Italian Parliament. Not only, Schlein – something that neither Enrico Letta nor any other Dem secretary had ever managed – he picked up the phone and contacted the prime minister directly Giorgia Meloni to negotiate on the motion obtaining a very important result. The centre-right, therefore the government majority, voted for an immediate ceasefire and abstained on the principle of two peoples, two states, thus passing the PD motion.

A motion that brings Italy back into the fold of the European Union and the position of the American Administration Joe Biden. According to what appears to Affaritaliani.it, there were more than one phone calls yesterday. First of all to advise Schlein this clever move of parliamentary tactics but which has a very important political meaning were Dario Franceschini, a very expert in politics, and Lorenzi Guerini, leader of the minority close to the USA and president of Copasir.

Not only. The prime minister – according to qualified sources – before the vote in Montecitorio – would have informed the Israeli ambassador to Italy, Alon Bar (who had attacked Sanremo for the phrase “stop the genocide”) explaining that the government would align itself with the position of the immediate ceasefire, the same as that of the European Union and Biden, but abstaining on the side of the two peoples, two states. That is, on the formal recognition of the State of Palestine. A blow to the circle and a blow to the barrel by Meloni: the abstention allows the Prime Minister to maintain a link with Tel Aviv but on the other hand, thanks to the abstention, the Dem motion passed aligning Italy with Western European and US left positions of President Biden.

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Then, of course, this morning Antonio Tajani he was quick to state that “we are friends of Israel, we strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself, not to be attacked, no one can erase it from the map. On October 7th there was a Jew hunt by Of Hamas, not a military attack, I saw incredible footage. We say that the reaction must be proportionate, we say ‘be careful not to cause too many civilian victims’. The general interest is de-escalation, we must support dialogue in Egypt to have a suspension of fighting and free the hostages.”

Exactly, a blow to the circle and a blow to the barrel by the government. On the other hand Meloni, as he did Silvio Berlusconi, knows how to read polls well and does so almost every day. Polls that clearly say that 75-80% of Italians believe that Israel is exaggerating in the Gaza Strip due to too many civilian victims, while condemning Hamas without ifs or buts and without breaking the channel with the Jewish State, as the Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

But what remains is the great political victory of Schlein who relaunched the secretary after many weeks of internal controversies, rumors of a split and a possible torpedo after the European Championships (with Paolo Gentiloni ready to become leader of the Nazarene). But above all it is a slap in the face to the former five-star prime minister. The substance, they explain from Pdit’s very simple: dear Conteyou also see in great secrecy Landinithat we move first of all on a truly left-wing issue (and the M5S wants to oust the Dems as the point of reference for the left) and convince the right-wing government and prime minister to follow us and vote, at least in part, for our motion .

An undoubted success for the Dem secretariat which will probably cause the Democratic Party to rise in the polls and the 5 Stars to fall (on the Middle East the Grillini have effectively isolated themselves with a motion that is too anti-Israel). Schlein – Conte 1 to 1 (after the 0 to 1 for the face to face with the secretary of the CGIL). Indeed, given that the Dem leader has shifted the positions of the right we could also say, today February 14th, Schlein – Conte 2 a 1.

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