Home » A court ratifies ban on entry to Peru of Evo Morales

A court ratifies ban on entry to Peru of Evo Morales

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A court ratifies ban on entry to Peru of Evo Morales

Lima (EFE).- A Peruvian court ratified the impediment of entry to Peru issued in January 2023 to former Bolivian president Evo Morales, by revoking another judicial resolution that had declared a habeas corpus appeal partially founded and annulled the immigration alert issued against the former ruler.

The decision made by the Second Constitutional Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima in a resolution issued on January 30, to which EFE had access this Thursday.

The court declared “inadmissible due to subtraction of the matter” the habeas corpus that the lawyer Ronald Atencio had presented in favor of Morales after considering that the legal situation and freedom of the former president “is currently without any affectation”, since he resides in Bolivia and “has not even shown any indication or attempt of wanting to enter Peru.”

Migration sources consulted by EFE confirmed the decision and pointed out that this ruling “highlights the sovereignty of the Peruvian State to regulate the entry of foreigners into its territory” and also “recognizes that the presence of Evo Morales could affect the internal security of the country.

The Ministry of the Interior of Peru reported on January 9, 2023 that, through the Superintendence of Migration, it had arranged “the registration of the impediment to entry into the country of Evo Morales and eight other Bolivian citizens.”

The case of Evo Morales

The measure was taken in the midst of the protests that broke out against the Government of Dina Boluarte and the Peruvian political class, which left dozens of dead, and after pointing out that Bolivian citizens had been detected entering the country to “carry out activities of a political nature.” proselytizers” that were considered to affect immigration legislation, national security and internal order.

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Last November, the Fifth Constitutional Court of Lima declared the habeas corpus presented in favor of Morales partially founded, for which it ordered the annulment of the immigration alert and that Migrations issue a device that regulates these provisions “with respect to the principles and constitutional and democratic values.”

After an appeal presented by Migrations, the Second Constitutional Chamber concluded that “the actions of Migrations have not been arbitrary,” since the Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior identified Morales “as a promoter and participant in ideological and political events for the sake of destabilize the internal order and confront the acts of the government of Peru.”

“The decision taken by Migrations is fully justified, since there is a report from the Intelligence Service from which it appears that Mr. Morales Ayma has already been classified as a dangerous person for the security of the State,” the court added.

For the reasons presented, the constitutional chamber revoked the resolution of November 17, 2023 and declared the lawsuit “inadmissible” presented by Atencio against the Superintendence of Migration.

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