by admin


Byoblu-Mondocane 3/14 broadcast on Sunday 9.30pm. Repeats Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 11.00am, Wednesday 10.30pm, Thursday 10.00am, Saturday 4.30pm, Sunday 9.00am

Remember, you old men like me, the song that Lotta Continua had translated from Barry McGuire’s “Eves of destruction” and which was sung at full throat almost everywhere in Italy in the famous decade of what was the best attempt in Italy to get rid of the useless, the pernicious and the mafioso?

There were significant lines like these: “The whole world is exploding / from Angola to Palestine, / Latin America is fighting, / the armed struggle advances in Indochina… The America of Nixon, Agnew and Mac Namara / from Black Panthers learn a lesson; / the people don’t like the napalm civilization, / as long as there are masters, there will never be peace…

Well, Angola and Indochina, Black Panthers and napalm no longer appear on the stage. Today Black Lives Matter goes, or rather they went, financed by Soros, and the prophecies of Isaiah. But, look, Palestine is still there, more than ever, in spite of Isaiah and those who say that everything only began on October 7th. And if Nixon and his associates are swallowed up by time and memories of filthiness, there are those who rage even worse, much worse. Since then it has been a fall, in terms of the law of the Anthropocene according to which there is never an end to the worst. Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama…

To the point that those who count, dispose and do, don’t even need someone to represent them with a minimum of glamour. Better to terrify ourselves with the perception of who really commands us: just pull someone suffering from senile dementia out of the trunk of helpers. Having settled in the White House with the money of donors (those who count and have control), not caring about appearances, they even allowed him to get there through fraud.

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That song is from the times that some say are of illusion, but which to me seem, or rather, appear, to be the first real change since the partisan 1945, a time of trust in us, of strength and courage. That song of that time, with everything that followed, alternating Zeitgeist and general trend, made me re-evaluate for the umpteenth time our best philosopher (with Leopardi and Gramsci), Giambattista Vico. That of courses and recourses, a kind of circular history, like that of the Red Indians.

We are today as we were then. Or we’re getting there. Do you doubt? Do well, so a reflection is called for. There had been a vast liberation of peoples and the formation of independent nations, which emerged from colonialism in one piece: Vietnam, Algeria, all of Africa, Indonesia, half of Latin America as a “Yankee backyard”. What was called the “Spring of the People” in 1848 was repeated, which flourished in our country with the Roman Republic.

But those, those of the class struggle from above, of the war of the rich against all, trusting in the courses and appeals, set off again. And it was Operation Condor, and it was Pinochet and Videla, and it was Lumumba assassinated, and it was the coup d’état of the Greek colonels, and in our country there were, in successive stages, the state and mafia massacres, and always Gladio and the P2, the Milan to drink, Cossiga and his “Hawks” (with license to kill: Giorgiana Masi, not only), recovery of the Banana Republics, the army from the Queen in Northern Ireland (Bobby Sands and 10 companions must die of hunger; Netaniahu generalized the concept), false flags galore and reconquest of the old World order, now called “New”.

The two phases, action-reaction-action intersect over the years, they are not clearly separate periods. Thus the Soviet Union dissipates and falls apart, but Bolivarian Venezuela arrives in Latin America, Cuba softens, but remains anchored there, coups d’état occur (Bolivia, Honduras, Haiti) and color revolutions come and go.

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Now it would seem that we can sense, despite the clamor of weapons, the crashes of bombs on 2.3 million Palestinians, the pro-NATO butchery in Ukraine, the pandemics made and promised, the threatened climate apocalypse, the war from above made to fight between ordinary men and women, a new breeze of “spring of peoples”. Very strong hurricane-breeze in the sails of Gaza, but also powerful around the world. It happens when those guys push too hard, they take the step believing they have Seven League boots even though they only have a size 40 shoe.

As for the appeals, if, as the song says, the people didn’t like napalm and Nixon, today they show the same disgust, bordering on retching, towards Netaniahu, Ursula, Biden, Klaus Schwab, the dollar, the WHO , to the IMF, to Lagarde and to all those who go with their chests out with stars on their lapels.

Piantedosi wants to smash, on the model of Sion or Zelensky, the heads of the demonstrators, Salvini wants to ask for the Daspo for anyone who expresses a thought that goes beyond the fence of love, heart, pain, Valditara wants to criminalize the occupations, to disseminate in schools surveillance and recognition devices and to install generals, admirals and quaestors in the classroom to teach the beauty of war and a state as Fouché wanted it.

Guys, excess optimism? In the political South, which includes the North of us and where we have realized that we are many, many more, we can feel the transition from resistance to counter-offensive. The course, or rather, the appeal is there. I, who have a nose hardened by the spring of half a century ago, can smell it.

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