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Calzona coming soon, follow the day LIVE

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Calzona coming soon, follow the day LIVE

De Laurentiis reflects on Mazzarri’s dismissal without waiting for Wednesday’s match valid for the first leg of the Champions League round of 16. Francesco Calzona is ready to replace him in the dual role of coach of Napoli and coach of Slovakia.


De Laurentiis returned to the hotel

After about forty minutes, De Laurentiis returned to the Hotel Britannique. The top Italian manager did not stop in Castel Volturno


Hamsik reflects, there is the idea of ​​Bonomi as Calzona’s deputy

These are excited moments at home in Naples. Mazzarri’s dismissal is now very close, with Calzona’s lawyers discussing with De Laurentiis’ club in view of a possible agreement. As for the coaching staff, Hamsik is reflecting on a possible return to Italy as assistant, but he could refuse so as not to leave the Academy in Slovakia. Simone Bonomi, already Calzona’s second in the Slovakian national team, came up with the idea. Progress also for the athletic trainer Sinatti.


Ferrarese: “Calzona can improve Napoli”

Interviewed by “Si Gonfia la Rete” on Radio Crc, Claudio Ferrarese spoke about Calzona. The former Napoli player met the coach when he wore the Verona shirt in the 2007/2008 season, with Calzona who was Sarri’s deputy: “Calzona could coach Napoli, I had the pleasure of working with him who is a serious and prepared person. I wasn’t very happy when De Laurentiis took Mazzarri, a turning point now needs to be made and Calzona could be a good solution. Then, I don’t know what impact he can have, but he can certainly lend a hand to this team which is going through a tough time. Sarri often stood aside and made Calzona work, the two were in great harmony. He also always had a good relationship with the boys. Calzona is an intelligent person and I am convinced that he will know what to do to improve the team immediately. Then it is clear that the work cannot be perfect because he will not have time to prepare his players as he wants, but he is a man on the pitch.”


Two exemptions in one year? An unpublished work for De Laurentiis

The possible dismissal of Mazzarri would be unique in De Laurentiis’ twenty-year experience as president of Napoli. The top Italian manager has never sacked two coaches during the course of a season before

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De Laurentiis lascia the British hotel

De Laurentiis has left the Britannique hotel. The top Italian manager could soon stop in Castel Volturno


Naples, confirmations on Sinatti

Calzona strongly wants Sinatti on the Napoli coaching staff. A return to blue is also expected for the athletic trainer


Meluso and Micheli at Castel Volturno

Meluso and Micheli also reached Castel Volturno. The Italian management is present and could soon give instructions to Mazzarri


Calzona, the past in Naples

The current coach of Slovakia is ready to return to Italy, where he worked with Sarri and Spalletti

Calzona, the past in Naples with Sarri and Spalletti of the Slovakia coach


Mazzarri has arrived at Castel Volturno

Walter Mazzarri arrived in Castel Volturno for afternoon training two days before the match against Barcelona valid for the first leg of the round of 16 of the Champions League.


Naples, fans write to Calzona on social media

The Napoli fans are waiting for Francesco Calzona’s arrival on the bench, they hope for it, they greet him, some even welcome him even though there hasn’t been an announcement yet. “Get us out of this situation”, “We are waiting for you mister”, “Come and save the Napoli“Welcome back”: these are some of the recurring messages. (READ EVERYTHING)


Calzona, news on the Wikipedia page

In the morning Francesco Calzona’s Wikipedia page had been modified, Napoli 2024 was also included in the list of teams trained, then it was restored. Awaiting the final decision from President De Laurentiis.


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Calzona, Napoli will be a return

Calzona knows the Naples square well and many of the players in the squad. He saw them grow by helping them in their own development process. He was one of the tacticians of the technical staff, he coached the defensive phaseobsessive attention to detail and great harmony with the players. A precious man in the shadow of the protagonists.


De Laurentiis is talking to Calzona

In these minutes the president of Napoli Aurelio De Laurentiis and Francesco Calzona are talking. The release from the Slovakian national team is expected. We also talk about the composition of the staff. Sinatti sure, the other positions are evaluated, including that of Hamsik.


Mazzarri staff in Castel Volturno for training

At Castel Volturno, in view of the 2.30pm training session, Mazzarri’s staff begin to arrive. De Laurentiis is not at the office at the moment.


Calzona’s background on Hamsik and Mertens

In his interview on 6 December with Corriere dello Sport-Stadio, Calzona also revealed a background story on Hamsik and a secret about Mertens in Sarri’s time. (READ HERE)


Calzona, also Hamsik and Sinatti on the staff

Calzona’s staff will include the former Italian captain Marek Hamsik, his collaborator in Slovakia, in the role of assistant coach, and Francesco Sinatti as athletic trainer, formerly of Napoli with Sarri and Spalletti, now with Italy: the FIGC, however , would not object to the dual role.


Zwayer referees Napoli-Barcelona

Will be Felix Zwayer the referee of the big match of Champions Leaguevalid for the first leg of the round of 16, between Napoli e Barcelona. This is a German whistle who will be assisted by his compatriots Stefan Lupp and Robert Kempter as line assistants, the fourth official will be Sven Jablonski and at VAR there will be space for Bastian Dankert and Soren Storks.


De Laurentiis worried and angry

The president of Napoli Aurelio De Laurentiis he is reflecting. Carefully: Mazzarri’s appointment after Garcia’s dismissal did not produce the turning point he hoped for, in light of the results (15 points in 12 games); of the ranking (Napoli is 9th); and the terrible delay from the Champions League zone (-9 from fourth place). He is worried, angry, disappointed. But he too is aware that he can no longer make mistakes.

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Naples, training at lunch time

Hot hours at Napoli, also because training is scheduled for lunchtime, at 2.30 pm, two days before the Champions League match against Barcelona. Mazzarri in the balance, Calzona ready, the timing of the change on the bench needs to be understood, also because they have not yet communicated anything to the current Italian coach and therefore training is confirmed at the moment.


Reread Calzona’s interview with Corriere dello Sport-Stadio

On December 6, 2023, Francesco Calzona he was interviewed by Corriere dello Sport-Stadio and talked about himself, speaking about the qualification for the European Championships with Slovakia: “No one believed it, and instead we are at the European Championship with a thousand difficulties and a thousand problems. I have a group of fantastic guys” (READ HIS INTERVIEW)


Everything about Francesco Calzona

55 years old, Calabrian, native of Vibo Valentia, Francesco Calzona is preparing to return to Naples. This time as first coach afterwards the double experience first with Sarri and then with Spalletti. A life as a deputy before starting his own business, reaping enormous satisfaction. Like the qualification for the European Championships in Germany with Lobotka’s Slovakia. (READ EVERYTHING)


De Laurentiis thinks about sacking Mazzarri

Mazzarri’s dismissal could take place before the match against Barcelona, ​​during the day possible direct contacts with Francesco Calzona, current coach of Slovakia, who knows the place very well: he was Sarri’s deputy and also Spalletti’s until 2022.

Konami Training Center – Castel Volturno

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