Home » Trapped and left for dead, Ukrainian soldiers in Avdiivka exchanged desperate messages

Trapped and left for dead, Ukrainian soldiers in Avdiivka exchanged desperate messages

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Trapped and left for dead, Ukrainian soldiers in Avdiivka exchanged desperate messages

CNN – Ukraine soldiers left behind in Avdiivka despite Russian promises of safety

Avdiivka, a town on the front lines of the war between Kyiv and Moscow, fell to Russian forces recently, marking a significant victory for Russia. However, the retreat of the Ukrainian Army from the city was swift and ruthless.

One soldier claimed that they were ordered to “leave the 300 (wounded) and burn everything” as they left the city. In the aftermath, a reported grisly story of several wounded soldiers who were unable to escape and were killed by Russian troops emerged.

The 110th Separate Mechanized Brigade, which occupied a position known as Zenit, faced intense attacks as Russian forces advanced on Avdiivka. The soldiers stationed there made desperate attempts to escape the ruins of the city, with some being left behind due to severe injuries.

One junior sergeant and combat medic named Ivan Zhytnyk was left behind with severe injuries and was unable to move. He was trapped in the Zenit position along with several other soldiers who were also unable to walk.

A video published by a Russian military blogger showed the bodies of several soldiers with the emblem of the 1st Slavic Brigade of the Russian Army. The soldiers’ families recognized the bodies of their loved ones from the video.

The Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office has opened an investigation into the incident and the 110th Separate Mechanized Brigade has stated that it attempted to negotiate with Russian forces to evacuate the wounded servicemen. However, after being assured of their safety, the soldiers were killed.

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The brutal and tragic incident has left many questioning the actions of Russian forces in Avdiivka, leading to calls for accountability.

CNN has reached out to the Russian Defense Ministry for comment on the allegations against Russian forces in Avdiivka.

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