Home » Investigation into Navalny’s death, the Kremlin: unfounded accusations against Putin

Investigation into Navalny’s death, the Kremlin: unfounded accusations against Putin

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Investigation into Navalny’s death, the Kremlin: unfounded accusations against Putin

Russia does not accept requests for an international investigation into the death of Alexei Navalny, especially if they come from Josep Borrell. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this, quoted by the Tass. -“Of course, these are absolutely unfounded and crude accusations against the Russian head of state,” said Putin’s spokesperson, commenting on the words of Yulia Navalnaya, who yesterday declared in a video that Putin killed her husband. The agency reported Peskov’s words Interfax.

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The Kremlin representative was also asked to comment on Navalnaya’s words that her husband’s body may not be handed over to relatives due to the desire to hide traces of poison. «To be honest, I have not heard» these accusations, but «if you said it, then, once again, these are nothing more than unfounded accusations. Because they are not supported by anything, not confirmed. And in this case, only for ethical reasons I cannot adequately evaluate these words,” Peskov said.

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«It is clear that Yulia Navalnaya wants to continue her husband’s fight for a better Russia, for a Russia where political disputes are decided at the ballot box and not with a bullet. When he says that democratic Russians need individual sanctions against supporters of the regime, I think we should listen to his request and do the right thing” said Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski in Brussels, hoping that the EU could «consider shortly» his proposal for new sanctions for the death of Alexei Navalny.

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Sikorski reiterated that «the situation in Ukraine is becoming dramatic. As we know, Avdiivka has already fallen, the Russians are attacking in different directions and perhaps it is already almost too late”, specifying that he had asked his European colleagues for a decision to be made on the supplies of ammunition to Kiev. «I’m sorry to say that there has been no progress» on this dossier, he added, explaining that «there are countries that are still blocking the creation of a special financing line for the defense of Ukraine in the European Peace Fund ».

Tajani: “Navalny killed by the Russian system, a danger for the EU”
«Russia does not tolerate any real element of democracy, Navalny was effectively killed by the system. And that system is dangerous for Europe.” Thus the deputy prime minister and foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, in a long interview withSardinian Union on the eve of his arrival in Cagliari to close the electoral campaign of the gubernatorial candidate for the centre-right Paolo Truzzu, at the Fair together with the prime minister Giorgia Meloni and the other deputy prime minister and infrastructure minister Matteo Salvini. «I met his wife in Brussels: I reiterated to her the closeness of Italy and the G7, the condemnation of what happened to her husband, who was the victim of an unjust persecution, detained in a gulag reminiscent of the Union Soviet», adds Tajani. On Ukraine you reiterate that we must «help defend itself successfully to bring it to a negotiating table where it has the strength to negotiate peace. Peace that means the liberation of the occupied territories. A just peace is a Ukraine free from invaders.”

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