Home » From a life-size guinea pig cage to a proposal on Maanrock: this was ‘The dream factory’

From a life-size guinea pig cage to a proposal on Maanrock: this was ‘The dream factory’

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Bart and Gloria from ‘The Dream Factory’. — © Thomas Geuens

Many fellow countrymen saw their dreams come true on Saturday evening. After all, the dream factory opened its doors again. For those who could watch, here’s what you missed.

Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 10:34 PM

Kathleen where flying with everything

Kathleen (57, Balegem) is fascinated by bird migration. Her admiration is sparked annually at the beginning of autumn when the geese fly over her house towards warmer places. She looked into the subject and discovered that Christian Moullec, a man from France, has been committed to diverting geese migration routes for years. She follows his work with great respect and in the meantime there was only one thing on her bucket list: being able to fly with the geese in his microlight. Gloria surprised Kathleen at the end of her vacation in France and took her on a flight with Christian.

Marriage proposal Maanrock

Dieter (29) and Ellen (30) from Mechelen are big fans of Bart Peeters and certainly of the song Until you love me again. In August, Bart Peeters performed at Maanrock in Mechelen, their home base, on the exact day they had been together for 8.5 years. According to Dieter, the perfect moment to ask Ellen to marry him and preferably during Bart’s performance. Without Ellen’s knowledge and with the help of Riadh Bahri, The Dream Factory gave the couple an unforgettable evening. Eight other couples who submitted a similar dream also received an original marriage proposal.

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Fero wanted a human-sized guinea pig cage

Fero (13, Rumbeke) studies animal care and is a great lover of all types of rodents. But especially guinea pigs. He now has about 20 pieces at home. Although it is a lot of work, he is ready every day to feed them and take care of them from head to toe. He now knows a lot about guinea pigs, but there is one thing he doesn’t know yet: what does it feel like to live in a guinea pig cage? And what can he do to make his little friends’ lives more fun? During the third episode, Fero performed the experiment live by stepping into a life-size guinea pig cage and testing everything out.

Carine wanted to be woken up by the sound of a bagpipe

Carine (56, Ichtegem) was registered separately by her husband Albert (62) and her daughter Rebecca (31) with exactly the same dream. Carine had been dreaming for years of being woken up by bagpipers, just like the Queen of England. Bart got Carine (and by extension half of Ichtegem) out of bed as a surprise at 5 in the morning with bagpipers under her bedroom window. But her story didn’t stop there, the three players followed her for a whole day in everything she did, from the supermarket to the café. Her ultimate song is I want to break free by Queen. An ensemble of bagpipers performed this live in the show on Saturday, with singing by Aaron Blommaert.

Louis (7) wanted to demolish a large building with a wrecking ball

Louis (7) from Oostkamp said last week that he was obsessed with demolishing buildings and everything that comes with it. From cranes to demolition balls. He learned the tricks of the trade from his dad Sander, who was himself active as a construction worker. Unfortunately, Louis lost his dad three years ago to a brain tumor. However, their shared passion lives on in Louis. He wanted to become a construction worker, just like his dad. But why wait? Louis’ big dream was to be able to demolish a building now, preferably with a wrecking ball. Louis was allowed to come to Ninove where a school building was waiting to be razed.

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