Home » The Government asked Russia to thoroughly investigate the death of Navalny, Putin’s main opponent

The Government asked Russia to thoroughly investigate the death of Navalny, Putin’s main opponent

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The Government asked Russia to thoroughly investigate the death of Navalny, Putin’s main opponent

Less than a week from death of Alexei Navalnyleader of the opposition to the government of Vladimir Putin In Russia, the Argentine Foreign Ministry released a statement this Tuesday to establish the Government’s position regarding the case that acquired magnitude for both the international press and human rights organizations. In this context, the portfolio he directs Diana Mondino urged the Russian authorities to immediately investigate and clarify the death of the leader “promoter of democracy and human rights”.

The recent death of Navalny, one of the political leaders most feared by the Kremlincreated a new element of tension in the already uneasy diplomatic relationship between the Argentine and Russian authorities.

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Through a statement, the Foreign Ministry announced the critical position of the Government, which demanded that the authorities of the Russian Federation commit to investigating the case.

“Regarding the clarification of the death of Alexei Navalny, political leader of the Russian opposition and promoter of democracy and human rights, The Argentine Government calls on the authorities of the Russian Federation to carry out an investigation that will shed light on what happened as soon as possible.“, they remarked through a press release.

Tribute to the late Alexei Navalny in front of the Russian embassy. Photo: NA

“Do not recognize these elections”: Navalny’s wife’s request to the European Union

The parallel, the claim of Yulia Navalnayawidow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who formulated a asked the European Union (EU) not to recognize the Russian elections in Marchwhich will almost certainly give President Vladimir Putin another six-year term.

“Do not recognize these elections”Naválnaya told European Union foreign ministers at a meeting in Brussels on Monday, according to a transcript provided Tuesday by a spokeswoman.

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“A president who assassinated his main political opponent cannot be legitimate by definition”emphasized the author of the complaint against the head of the Kremlin.

Alexei Navalny and his wife Yulia. Photo: NA

Navalnaya accused Putin of killing her husband, adding that Evidence will be provided shortly.

Western leaders, including the president of the United States, Joe Bidenthey held Putin responsible for the suspicious death and warned of the consequences, but for the moment they did not provide evidence in this regard.

Putin, meanwhile, made no public statement about Navalny’s death.

The Kremlin did speak out, denying its involvement and saying that Western claims that Putin was responsible are completely “unacceptable.”


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