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the rise of mobile apps and popularity of slot machines

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the rise of mobile apps and popularity of slot machines

Inflation, the use of new technologies and the cost of development have meant that many of the games that people were used to playing have become extremely expensive.

Sky-high prices, incomprehensible subscription systems and other aspects to improve. More and more Gamers look for affordable options as a form of entertainment. Games that allow you to enjoy without having to spend money or even get money when you play.

The success of mobile apps

Thanks to the expansion that mobile devices have suffered, where today more than 75% of the world‘s population has a mobile phone, games in app format have become the norm.

There are millions of different games that can be enjoyed from mobile phones, in the same way that in the past you could find a wide variety of entertainment options for computers.

Thanks to the great success that smartphones have achieved, many developers have dedicated part of their time to adapting their games to these platforms. Others have gone all in and started creating unique mobile games.

A phenomenon that has been seen in all entertainment sectors. From classic games to casino games. It is in the latter, possibly, that the greatest change has been noticed since the arrival of new technologies andl boom of smartphones.

Online casinos, the success of the digital age

After traditional casinos made the leap to the internet, online casinos became a phenomenon. Mainly because of all the facilities and benefits that they made available to their players:

Ability to play from anywhere. Safety and versatility. Availability 24 hours a day. Personalized customer service. Incredibly wide range of games.

Thanks to not facing the limitations of physical space, as well as finding the possibility that the activity can be carried out from any point on the planet, they have been gaining followers.

Not only players prefer these platforms to enjoy games of chance. Many game providers have taken the step to dedicate themselves exclusively to mobile platforms. Those who were previously in charge of managing physical casinos, or developing games for real machines, now focus on digital.

Mobile slots: how casino games have adapted to new technologies

Online casinos came first, offering classic table games to enthusiasts. Blackjack, poker and even point and banking were the most popular games. As new technologies were developed, slot machines also arrived on these platforms.

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With the appearance of mobile phones, many online casinos adapted their platforms and websites so that they can be accessible from these devices. ‘Responsive’ web versions that were capable of modifying their appearance to fit the smaller screens of the devices.

Thanks to this adaptability, No player was left out of the experience offered by online gambling platforms. Now, with phones even smarter, and operating systems with extensive development, many operators have taken the leap to creating native applications.

These online casino apps and even the slots themselves allow you to enjoy the games with a much more immersive experience. Both graphics and sounds are better adapted to the devices, and the controls can be much more intuitive than they were previously.

With the arrival of mobile slots, the first exclusive games for these devices also began to be seen. As well as unique promotions. Some of the best casino bonuses in Spain They are exclusive for those who play through these devices.

Best mobile slot apps

Android is the operating system in which the most online casino applications and slot machines can be found. Something that does not mean that there are also some games available on iPhone. But the first is the one that offers the most options to players.

Among the wide catalog of slot games that are available on mobile devices, in the following table you can see some of the best titles that can currently be played on these devices.

JuegoDesarrolladorRTPDisponibilidadWheel of FortuneInternational Game Tech96.6 %AndroidBook of Ra DeluxeNovomatic95.01 %AndroidThunderstruck IIMicrogaming96.65 %Android y iPhoneAvalon IIMicrogaming97 %Android y iPhoneStarburstNetEnt96.09 %AndroidFlaming HotEuro Games Technology95.53 %Android

If you play through an online casino or through the official app of the same platform, it is possible to enjoy free spins no deposit in casinoas long as it allows mobile players to get bonuses.

Generally, online casinos offer this type of promotion or others, exclusively, to those who use the platform through mobile devices to promote its use.

How to choose the perfect slot machine

With so many different games on the market, finding one that can meet the player’s requirements can be difficult. This is a task that can involve trying dozens of different games.

Fortunately, there are several ways to categorize these games, so that you can filter and try only those that can really meet the player’s needs or interests.

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If you are looking for a slot to play on your mobile and don’t want to waste your time, be sure to check the following aspects:

You may or may not play for money: Some games are free to play and do not require real money, but they also do not allow the player to get money. Others have both the possibility of playing for free or for real money.
Appearance and play style: There are those who prefer traditional games, with the classic fruit symbols and simple mechanics. Other players may prefer diverse and unusual mechanics that add more excitement to the game.
Additional functions: Many games hide additional features, such as free spins or new levels and mini-games that are discovered as you play the slot or land certain symbols on the reels.
It has a boat: Some games have progressive jackpots, which allow you to obtain a very succulent prize, at the cost of making it more difficult to win in it (their RTP is usually lower than that of other titles).

Taking these aspects into account, it is possible to filter among all the games that are available in online casinos or in application stores. With a quick glance the characteristics of the titles are differentiated, so that you can easily see if they meet the player’s criteria or not.

Other aspects that must be taken into account when playing and choosing the desired slot machine are its technical aspects. These are two fundamental qualities: the RTP and volatility.

RTP is the acronym for Return to Playerand means the possibility that the money that the player puts at risk in his spins can return to him.

The second concept, volatility, refers to the number of times winning spins are generated. High volatility games are those where it is more difficult to make winning spins, and low volatility games where it is easier. This concept is related in an inversely proportional way to the prizes offered by each spin. The larger the prize, the more difficult it will be to make a winning throw.

Ideally, when choosing a slot game you should choose one that offers a high RTP and low volatility. With this it is possible to increase the chances of winning when enjoying this type of online casino games.

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Adoption of new technologies in online casinos and their popularity

Thanks to the enormous adoption of online casino mobile applications and their games, many platforms are taking the step to adopt new technologies that allow them to get even closer to their players, offer better service or develop better games.

Many online platforms are already adopting two key technologies:

Artificial intelligence: it is mainly used for customer service, with programs that can resolve the most common doubts of users. The power of AI is also applied to the platform so that it can offer completely personalized suggestions based on the player’s interests, especially when it comes to game recommendations. Augmented reality: Some casino games have taken the step to offer this technology in their mechanisms so that a much more immersive experience is achieved for the player. Users are immersed in the game environment in many different ways.

As new technologies emerge or existing ones improve, online casinos begin to make the necessary adjustments to take advantage of them for their platforms and the enjoyment of their users.

Some platforms are already beginning to adapt the virtual reality to their games. Although it is a technology that is available on very few platforms, and that is generally applied in live games, where it can offer users the feeling of being in the casino room, with the dealer and the other players who are sitting at the table.


New technologies have incredibly disrupted all types of sectors, and casino games have been one of those that has suffered the most changes. The success of online casinos allows them to offer affordable games to users, allowing them to play completely free through virtual chips or do so with real money if they want to win money by playing.

Thanks to the expansion of mobile phones in the world, games have been developed so that they can be used without any complications on these devices. Some platforms even enhance the use of games through applicationsoffering exclusive bonuses to those who use them.

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