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News Udinese | Lucca on Deulofeu: “We are waiting for him stronger than before”

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News Udinese |  Lucca on Deulofeu: “We are waiting for him stronger than before”

The striker spoke to Dazn Talks about the difficult moment his teammate is going through. Here are his statements

Lorenzo Lucca had a chat with yesterday Dazn Talks. The Juventus striker spoke about various topics, including the latest news on the Deulofeu case. In fact, the Spanish striker said in an interview that he is not sure of returning to the playing fields. Deulofeu? “What happened to him is sorry to everyone: This year he could have given us even more both for the experience he has and for the assists and goals for me and the team. We wait for him because we want him to come back stronger. I write to him every now and then, we talk. I hope to see him on the pitch soon. He has scored many goals, many assists, he is strong and could give us a big hand.”

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