Home » 145 million euros for the Tesla of heat pumps

145 million euros for the Tesla of heat pumps

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145 million euros for the Tesla of heat pumps

Heat pump instead of oil or gas heating: Anyone who moves into a new home now expects independence from fossil fuels, not only for ecological but also for political reasons. Startups that develop and sell their own heat pumps also want to benefit from this.

One of these is Aira from Sweden, which was recently endowed with 145 million euros. We’ll talk about how the heat pump business is going today in the podcast Leonhard von Harrachthe CEO of Aira in Germany. The topics:

145 million euros for Aira How to reinvent the heat pump What Leonhard brings with him from his time in Tesla sales Vertical integration a la Telsa The company builder Vargas in the background Green electricity tariff, photovoltaics and energy control as expansion stages Enpal, 1Komma5° as a competitor

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