Home » The United States criticized Israel’s announcement to expand settlements in the West Bank

The United States criticized Israel’s announcement to expand settlements in the West Bank

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The United States criticized Israel’s announcement to expand settlements in the West Bank

Blinken criticizes Israeli settlements in West Bank, reverses Trump-era policy

The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, made a bold statement on Friday, declaring the expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank as “inconsistent” with International Law. This move marks a reversal of the policy established during the Trump era, as Blinken emphasized the firm opposition of the current Administration to the expansion of settlements.

During a press conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he met with Argentine President Javier Milei, Blinken expressed his concerns about the impact of settlement expansion on Israel’s security. He stated, “Our Administration maintains firm opposition to the expansion of settlements. And in our opinion, this only weakens, not strengthens, Israel’s security.”

Blinken went on to describe the settlements as “counterproductive to achieving lasting peace” in the region, emphasizing that this position has been maintained by both Republican and Democratic administrations. This marks a clear departure from the policy established by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo under the Trump Administration, who had determined that the creation of Jewish settlements in the West Bank was not a violation of International Law.

In response to recent calls for the construction of new housing in the West Bank following a deadly attack by Palestinian gunmen, Blinken reiterated the United States‘ opposition to a “reoccupation” of Gaza by Israel. He warned against any moves that would undermine the two-state solution and called for a post-war plan that respects the territory and rights of both Palestinians and Israelis.

The plan presented by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the “post-war” with Hamas, which includes maintaining security control in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, has been met with criticism from the Palestinian Authority. Blinken stated that several countries in the region are working together on a postwar plan for Gaza and emphasized the importance of dialogue and cooperation in achieving lasting peace in the region.

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The recent remarks by Blinken signal a shift in US policy towards Israeli settlements and a renewed focus on promoting a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As diplomatic tensions continue to simmer in the region, the international community will be closely watching the developments and responses from all parties involved.

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