Home » Bologna Verona, Thiago Motta: ‘I don’t deserve all this affection, I deserve it for the boys’

Bologna Verona, Thiago Motta: ‘I don’t deserve all this affection, I deserve it for the boys’

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Bologna Verona, Thiago Motta: ‘I don’t deserve all this affection, I deserve it for the boys’

Fifth victory in a row, 4th place in the standings and an euphoria that knows no boundaries. Bologna she’s crazy about Thiago Motta, an affection that the coach doesn’t feel he fully deserves and which he prefers to channel as positive energy towards his players, eager to realize the Champions League dream. “I live the match to the fullest because it was very complicated to play tonight, against a team that is difficult to face at the moment – said the coach in the press conference, starting from the analysis of the 2-0 against Verona -. We had 11 warriors who started, an even better victory because they knew how to play it. Then those who enter and continue are well done, those on the bench who applaud their teammates and pass on positive energy to continue fighting. Taking a counterattack on a corner at the end of the game is only because we want to continue scoring goals. In the end we scored a third goal which was a save that only Lukasz (Skorupski ed.) can make, fantastic, I celebrated it like a goal.”

“In a moment like this the light must go on the kids”

“I sincerely thank our fans with an open heart, because experiencing emotions like this is fantastic – continued the rossoblù coach -. I feel privileged, as a person, satisfied as a coach. I reciprocate this with the best of myself every day, but especially at a time like this the light must shine on the kids. This is my message today after the match, with all due respect for our curve. I continue to thank from the bottom of my heart because I feel obliged to give something more and not receive. But they are the ones who go on the pitch, they are the ones who fight, who fight, who demonstrate this belonging to a team like Bologna, who sweat this shirt every time they take to the pitch. Those who don’t play I understand that they are not happy because they want to play, but they respect my decisions, they respect the players who go on the pitch. Our bench lives the match in an extraordinary way, helping with great energy the teammates who are on the pitch, those who come on continue to work fantastically to maintain the level of a team like Bologna which is no small feat today. Football is made up of fans first and foremost, otherwise it would be amateur football, and then there are the players: this alchemy that exists today is amazing to see. Sometimes I think I don’t deserve so much and that’s why tomorrow I will continue to give the best of myself for the good of Bologna and above all for these guys who are fantastic and deserve it.”

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