Home » “Trump’s party doesn’t give a damn about Latinos,” says Biden campaign

“Trump’s party doesn’t give a damn about Latinos,” says Biden campaign

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“Trump’s party doesn’t give a damn about Latinos,” says Biden campaign

-PHOTODAY- EA6035. ANAHEIM (UNITED STATES), 09/29/2023.- A person wears a necklace with the American flag on a T-shirt with the image of Donald Trump outside the Republican Party convention in California, today, before the former US president Donald Trump gives a speech in Anaheim, California (USA). EFE/ Allison Dinner

The electoral campaign of the president of the United States, Joe Biden, launched a strong message this Saturday against the Republican Donald Trump, before his speech at the great convention of the American right-wing CPAC, pointing out that “Trump’s party doesn’t give a damn about the Latinos.

In a statement, sent to EFE, the Hispanic media director of the Biden campaign, Maca Casado, criticized the immigration proposals of Trump, the favorite to be the Republican candidate in the elections next November and who has adopted anti-immigration rhetoric in his campaign rallies.

Trump has gone so far as to claim that migrants “poison” the blood of the country and has outlined plans ranging from mass deportations to the construction of giant detention centers to send migrants in an irregular situation in the United States.

In addition, he has not ruled out separating migrant families at the border again, as he did during his mandate.

“Just a few days ago, we learned about Donald Trump’s plan to separate more families, deploy combat soldiers to build mass detention camps, and round up immigrants like cattle… and he still thinks he can appeal to the Latino vote by making a “A sterile attempt at CPAC?” Casado questioned in his statement.

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Former US President Donald J. Trump speaks outside Trump National Golf Club, in Bedminster, New Jersey, USA. Attorney Jack Smith linked to Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified national security documents . (United States) EFE/EPA/Peter Foley

The spokesperson recalled that the former president, who governed the US between 2017 and 2021, has “constantly demonized and criminalized Latinos for his political benefit.”

«Trump used his time in the Presidency to attack and despise the Latino community again and again, he has parroted phrases from dictators and authoritarian leaders… and he has even said, on multiple occasions, that immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country,” added Casado, born in Venezuela.

Next, the spokesperson stated that the Hispanic community knows the truth: “Trump’s party doesn’t give a damn about Latinos.”

Trump plans to speak this Saturday at 12:00 local time (17:00 GMT) at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a mega event that brings together far-right politicians and activists and is being held at the National Harbor. , in the state of Maryland, just outside Washington DC

During his speech, he is expected to reiterate his plans to carry out what he has described as the “largest deportation operation” in the history of the United States.

Trump has made clear that he plans to invoke a series of laws passed by Congress in 1789, known as the Alien and Sedition Acts, that allow the government to arrest and deport “foreign men from an enemy nation” in the event of war.

These laws could evoke scenes like those experienced in the United States in the 1950s, when around 1.3 million undocumented Mexican immigrants were deported under the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961), in what was Operation largest deportation in the history of the country. EFE

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