Home » Sylvester Stallone’s Extreme Measures to Protect His Daughters: Self-Defense Lessons and Knives in Backpacks

Sylvester Stallone’s Extreme Measures to Protect His Daughters: Self-Defense Lessons and Knives in Backpacks

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Sylvester Stallone’s Extreme Measures to Protect His Daughters: Self-Defense Lessons and Knives in Backpacks

Sylvester Stallone Goes to Extreme Measures to Protect His Daughters

The iconic action star Sylvester Stallone has shown that his on-screen tough persona extends to real life, especially when it comes to protecting his family. In a recent revelation on the second season of his reality show, “The Family Stallone,” it was disclosed that Stallone took extreme measures to ensure the safety of his daughters.

One such measure included providing his daughter, Sistine, with a knife in her school backpack as part of a self-defense strategy. Stallone also took his daughters to self-defense classes with former members of the US Navy SEALs, where they were subjected to intense training, including combat practices and real beatings.

Sistine, now 25 years old, confirmed the extreme measures taken by her father, stating, “My father is the most paranoid person on the planet. He made us practice pepper spray on each other. He put a knife in my backpack in fourth grade.”

While the seriousness of the situation was emphasized by Stallone, he defended his actions by stating that he did everything to ensure nothing bad would ever happen to his daughters, especially now that the older ones are living far away from him.

Despite the seriousness of the self-defense training, there were lighter moments during the preparation process. Sistine shared an amusing anecdote about a romantic encounter with one of the SEALs, who contacted her on Instagram but ultimately distanced himself from her, jokingly stating, “I’m not her type.”

In addition to the self-defense lessons, Stallone reflected on a significant change in his family life. After 27 years of marriage to his wife, Jennifer Flavin, the couple decided to move to Palm Beach, Florida, to be closer to their youngest daughter, Scarlet, who is studying at the University of Miami.

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Stallone sees the move as the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, acknowledging that with their older daughters no longer living at home, the marriage needed a change, and the relocation provided that opportunity. The action star’s dedication to his family’s safety and well-being is clear, showing that his protective instincts extend far beyond the big screen.

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