Home » Central enterprises need to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence_Guangming.com

Central enterprises need to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence_Guangming.com

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State-owned Enterprises Urged to Embrace Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Renewal

Author: Zhou Lei

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council recently held a special promotion conference on artificial intelligence for central enterprises under the theme “AI Empowering Industrial Renewal”. The conference emphasized the importance of central enterprises incorporating the development of artificial intelligence into their overall planning to promote industrial renewal.

The rapid advancement of a new generation of artificial intelligence is seen as a strategic priority to seize opportunities in the ongoing technological revolution and industrial transformation. State-owned central enterprises are encouraged to take the lead in embracing the changes brought about by AI, strengthen innovation strategies, and build artificial intelligence industry clusters that empower traditional industries.

To support the development of the artificial intelligence industry, central enterprises are urged to focus on strengthening their basic foundation, concentrate resources where they are most needed and have the most advantages, and deepen open cooperation to leverage cross-enterprise collaborative innovation platforms effectively.

Additionally, central enterprises are advised to carry out AI+ special actions to accelerate the empowerment of key industries, build high-quality data sets, and create an industrial ecosystem empowered by artificial intelligence from infrastructure to solutions.

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission stressed the importance of central enterprises playing a leading role in promoting the development of artificial intelligence and contributing to the high-quality development of the national economy. By embracing artificial intelligence and leveraging its power, central enterprises can accelerate the construction of an intelligent economic form that is data-driven, human-machine collaborative, and focused on co-creation and sharing.

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