Home » The Rise of Aesthetic Medicine in Spain: A Look at Popular Treatments and Patient Demographics

The Rise of Aesthetic Medicine in Spain: A Look at Popular Treatments and Patient Demographics

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The Rise of Aesthetic Medicine in Spain: A Look at Popular Treatments and Patient Demographics

Almost half of the population in Spain has undergone aesthetic medicine treatment, with the most popular treatments being pulsed light, fillers with hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy, platelet-rich plasma, and botulinum toxin. The Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME) conducted a study based on 1,500 interviews with citizens, revealing that the majority of patients receiving these treatments are women between the ages of 35 and 54 from the upper or upper middle class.

The report also showed an increase in younger patients, with 20% of patients now falling between the ages of 16 and 25. However, older patients over 45 have also seen an increase in seeking aesthetic medicine treatments, now accounting for 38% of patients. Despite the growing popularity of these treatments, there is still a lack of clarity among the population regarding what aesthetic medicine really entails.

Aesthetic doctors are concerned about the “high” level of intrusion in the field, with treatments being offered at various locations including hair salons and even at home. This intrusion poses risks to the effectiveness and safety of treatments, ultimately affecting public health and the credibility of the specialty.

To address these issues, the SEME launched the #NOsintumedico initiative during their recent congress, urging doctors to use it in their communications and to raise awareness among patients and other key stakeholders. By highlighting the importance of seeking professional aesthetic medical treatment, the initiative aims to protect the integrity of the specialty and ensure the safety of patients in Spain.

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