Home » Fedez, Luis Sal’s appeal for the Muschio Selvaggio podcast upheld: 50% of the shares seized. The rapper: «The game has yet to begin»

Fedez, Luis Sal’s appeal for the Muschio Selvaggio podcast upheld: 50% of the shares seized. The rapper: «The game has yet to begin»

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Fedez, Luis Sal’s appeal for the Muschio Selvaggio podcast upheld: 50% of the shares seized.  The rapper: «The game has yet to begin»

by Rosanna Scardi

The dispute between the two creators of the format occurred in June last year, after they had founded a company together, with equal shares, a few weeks earlier

The Civil Court of Milan accepted the precautionary appeal presented by the Youtuber Luis Sal and authorized the judicial seizure of 50% of Muschio Selvaggio srl, the company that publishes Fedez’s podcast which is owned by Doom, the company that takes care of the image of the singer. Judge Amina Simonetti appointed the lawyer Michele Centonze as corporate custodian of the shares who “will exercise the rights inherent to the share in seizure with the powers of the law”. The company Lussolve srl, owned by the rapper’s former friend and founder with him of the podcast released on YouTube since 2019, filed an appeal on 5 February 2024 to ask to become the owner of Muschio Selvaggio after the arguments between the two founding members who had led to the ouster of Luis Sal. The case has yet to be resolved on its merits.

Sal’s company: we have the right to take over Fedez’s shares

«The provision decreed that Luis Sal’s company has the right to take over the shares of Fedez’s company, thus disempowering the latter in the management of the podcast», reads a note from Luis Sal’s press office.

The dispute of June 2023

The first steps of the story date back to June 2023: after some episodes in which Luis Sal did not appear on the podcast, Fedez accused him of having abandoned the project following a heated discussionwith a video entitled «What happened to Luis», claiming to carry on the project alone despite having founded a company together, with equal shares, a few weeks earlier.

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«Tell your mother, tell your lawyer»

Luis Sal responded with a video immediately went viral – «Tell the mother, tell the lawyer» – in which he announced to the public that he had to defend himself from the accusations and requests for damages brought against him by Fedez’s lawyers. In November 2023, there were rumors launched by the weekly «Chi» of an economic agreement with a confidentiality agreement between the two. The rumors were subsequently denied by both, in particular by Fedez, who declared through a video published on the podcast channel: «When you have a 50% company, things tend to be resolved in front of a judge, or at least that’s what adults do. ».

“Russian roulette”

According to Luis Sal’s press office, the podcast would automatically be the property of the YouTuber thanks to a mechanism called “Russian roulette”. On November 29, 2023, Sal rejected the proposal to sell the shares for 250 thousand euros. The offer was then increased, on 15 December 2023, up to 350 thousand euros and always rejected. The clause of the contract gives the YouTuber three options: accept the proposal and then sell, raise or refuse (as he did), in turn becoming the buyer for the last amount proposed to him. For this reason, he would now have obtained the right to buy the corporate part of Fedez.

The decision to make

Now, the note concludes, it is Fedez’s responsibility to determine whether he intends to comply with the court ruling, consequently selling his shares before a notary, or whether he wishes to ignore the decision, thus forcing Luis Sal to once again resort to legal proceedings to obtain a sentence which will force Fedez to sell his shares and, consequently, to withdraw (permanently) from the management of the podcast.

The irony of Selvaggia Lucarelli

The news was reposted by Selvaggia Lucarelli in the Instagram «Stories» of his profile with the writing «In this case I accept the invitation, Luis», with reference to the possibility that Fedez agrees to sell his shares in front of a notary. In addition, Lucarelli publishes a photomontage that portrays her with Luis Sal (her face covers Fedez’s) in the podcast studio, with the writing «Muschio Selvaggia».

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The Doom: lawsuit not yet started, only one custodian appointed

«The provision of the Court of Milan has not yet “decreed” anything: there has been no removal of Fedez from the management of Muschio Selvaggio» replies Doom, the company that owns the podcast. «The recent statement from Luis Sal’s press office deserves a correction regarding the decision of the Court of Milan on the shares of Fedez’s company – they explain from the company. – The order issued is of a precautionary nature and provides for the appointment of a custodian for the shares of the company Muschio Selvaggio srl, owned by Doom”. For Doom, «it is in fact important to underline that the case that will decide on the merits of the matter has not yet begun. The judge established, on the basis of a still summary assessment, typical of the precautionary phase, that the custodian will manage the Doom shares in the interest of the Muschio Selvaggio srl company and not in the interest of Luis Sal’s company, as requested by the same in the his appeal”.

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February 27, 2024 (modified February 27, 2024 | 3:54 pm)


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