Home » Faustão is hospitalized in São Paulo and must undergo new surgery six months after a heart transplant

Faustão is hospitalized in São Paulo and must undergo new surgery six months after a heart transplant

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Faustão is hospitalized in São Paulo and must undergo new surgery six months after a heart transplant

Presenter Fausto Silva, 73 years old, was admitted this Monday to Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, in São Paulo, six months after undergoing a heart transplant, in the same place. Faustão had kidney problems and there is a possibility that the presenter will undergo further surgery. The information is from Folha de São Paulo.

Why did Faustão need a transplant?

Faustão had been admitted to the Einstein Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on August 5 last year, to treat heart failure. He needed to undergo dialysis sessions. Therefore, he joined the transplant queue to receive a new heart. The presenter was in second place, according to the São Paulo State Transplant Center, when he was called for surgery.

Shortly after hospitalization, Fausto Silva’s wife, Luciana Cardoso, created an Instagram profile to encourage organ donation, called “Faustão do meu coração”. He was knocked down by the platform, but later returned to the air.

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Fausto Silva in 1990. Before arriving on television, the presenter worked in the written press and on the radio stations Jovem Pan, Rádio Globo and Excelsior. In 1989, he was invited by Globo to lead “Domingão do Faustão” — Photo: Leonardo Aversa / Agência O Globo 2 of 22
Sports reporter: Fausto Silva interviews the player Sócrates, in 1982 — Photo: Olívio Lamas / Agência O Globo Skip
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Fausto Silva at the time of “Lost in the Night”, a hit from the 1980s — Photo: Archive 4 of 22
Actress Joana Fomm in charge of the “Caminhão do Faustão” awards panel, in Brasília (1989) — Photo: Mino Pedrosa / Disclosure Skip
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In 1991, Fausto Silva was the protagonist, alongside his colleague Sérgio Mallandro, in the feature film “Inspector Faustão e o Mallandro”. In the film, Faustão and Serginho unite on a divine mission to preserve a species of quail from the Pantanal — Photo: Disclosure 6 of 22
Faustão commands the “Tic Tac Toe” show in 1991, one of the unforgettable attractions of the Sunday program — Photo: Selmy Yassuda / TV GLOBO Pular X de 22
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Faustão and musician Caçulinha, in 1992: years of partnership on the “Domingão” stage — Photo: Fernando Quevedo / Agência O Globo 8 of 22
The “Porta da sacanagem”, one of the events that was part of the “Faustão Olympics” — Photo: Irineu Barreto Filho Skip
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The presenter and the girls from “Academia do Faustão” (1992) — Photo: Fernando Quevedo / Agência O Globo 10 of 22
“Sexolândia” painting exposed the intimacy of actresses and actors (1993) — Photo: TV Globo / Divulgação Skip
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Faustão, the iconic Russian stagehand and comedian Tom Cavalcante, in 1997 — Photo: Disclosure 12 of 22
In 1999, Faustão welcomes Agnaldo Timóteo, Agnaldo Rayol and Cauby Peixoto together. — Photo: Disclosure Pular X of 22
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Faustão and stage director Lucimara Parisi — Photo: João Miguel Júnior / TV GLOBO 14 of 22
Faustão during an interview on “Programa do Jô”, in 2016 — Photo: Ramon Vasconcelos / Rede Globo Skip
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The presenter ready to present the “Best of the Year” awards — Photo: Disclosure 16 of 22
Faustão with singer Marília Mendonça, on ‘Domingão do Faustão’, in 2018 — Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo Pular
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The presenter, at the premiere, in January 2022, of his program “Faustão na Band”, after leaving TV Globo — Photo: RODRIGO MORAES 18 of 22
Faustão and his son, João Guilherme, on the stage of ‘Faustão na Band’ — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Skip
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Presenter Faustão (center) between doctors Fábio Gaiotto (left) and Fernando Bacal — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram 20 of 22
Faustão records video at home after being discharged from hospital — Photo: Reproduction: Instagram Skip
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Fausto Silva appears in a video thanking the public for their affection: ‘Completely recovered’ — Photo: Reproduction 22 of 22
Presenter Faustão participates in a Ministry of Health campaign that encourages organ donation — Photo: Reproduction Skip

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Who was Faustão’s donor?

Faustão gained a new heart on August 27th. The person responsible for the donation was identified as the floodplain football player, Fábio Cordeiro da Silva, who had died the day before, victim of a stroke.

On August 31, Faustão recorded a video to thank everyone who supported his recovery and the family of the donor of his new heart. The presenter left the hospital on September 10th.

— I want to give special thanks to José Pereira da Silva, Fábio’s father, who was incredibly generous, absurdly generous and made it possible for me to stay alive. Eternally grateful to José Pereira da Silva, a simple man. I get emotional, because he left me the chance to live again. Thank Welisson, Fábio’s brother, and Jaqueline, the widow. I have to thank those. These most humble people who, when I needed it, gave me a new heart — he declared.

What is Faustão’s health status?

Fautão was admitted this Monday (26) to Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, in São Paulo. The presenter had kidney problems and there is the possibility of undergoing further surgery.

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