Home » Winter training for party members | Daxu Town, Tongshan, Xuzhou: Inheriting the red gene in the name of art_China Jiangsu Net – jsnews.jschina.com.cn

Winter training for party members | Daxu Town, Tongshan, Xuzhou: Inheriting the red gene in the name of art_China Jiangsu Net – jsnews.jschina.com.cn

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Winter training for party members in Jiangsu province is underway, with various activities organized to strengthen party building and promote development.

In Daxu Town, Tongshan, Xuzhou, party members are inheriting the red gene in the name of art. Practical classrooms in Gulou Pipa Street are being used to activate “a pool of spring water” for party members’ winter training. The Jiangsu Rudong County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau has fired the “starting gun” for the 2024 winter training for party members, taking multiple measures to enhance party building.

In Ninghai Street, Haizhou District, Lianyungang, the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month is opening a new chapter with full energy. Meanwhile, Xiting Town has launched a “Guiyan Propaganda Group” to promote youth activities.

These efforts reflect the commitment of party members in Jiangsu province to continuous improvement and development, as they gather during the winter season to enhance their skills and knowledge in various areas.

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