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The 6 Factors That Predict Healthy Aging: Insights from Harvard’s Longest Study on Human Happiness

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The 6 Factors That Predict Healthy Aging: Insights from Harvard’s Longest Study on Human Happiness

Harvard’s Study on Human Happiness Reveals 6 Factors for Healthy Aging

Robert Waldinger, the current director of the largest study on human happiness conducted by Harvard University, has been collecting data from nearly a thousand people for over 80 years. But other experts have also played a crucial role in this study, including George Vaillant, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of Research at Brigham Hospital.

Vaillant emphasizes the importance of empathy and attachment in the key to healthy aging, despite these factors being initially overlooked at the start of the study. His book, Aging Well, explores the relationship between longevity and happiness, highlighting 6 key factors that predict healthy aging.

These 6 factors, according to Harvard, serve as predictors of healthy and happy longevity and are accessible to anyone looking to improve their lifestyle. They include:

1. Train your wits to cope with difficult situations.
2. Maintain a sense of humor and give back to others.
3. Develop friendships with people younger than you.
4. Continuously learn new things and have fun.
5. Behave altruistically throughout your life.
6. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
7. Stay physically active and maintain a healthy weight.
8. Find a stable partner before age 50 to cultivate deep relationships.
9. Always continue learning and stay creative, especially after retiring.

By following these tips, individuals can increase their chances of enjoying a long and happy life, as suggested by Harvard’s research on human happiness and healthy aging.

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