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Vitamin B3, an excess can cause a heart attack. In which foods is it found?

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Vitamin B3, an excess can cause a heart attack.  In which foods is it found?

New Study Shows Excessive Vitamin B3 Intake Increases Cardiovascular Risk

A new study from the Cleveland Clinic in the United States has uncovered the molecular mechanism by which too much niacin, also known as vitamin B3, can be harmful and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attack and stroke. Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for cell respiration, nervous system function, blood circulation, and digestion.

While niacin is naturally found in foods such as white meat, spinach, peanuts, beef liver, and certain types of fish, it is also commonly found in supplements marketed to strengthen the immune system, fight aging, and lower bad cholesterol levels. However, taking excessive amounts of niacin can lead to adverse effects, including increased cardiovascular risk.

The research, published in Nature Medicine, revealed that a metabolite of niacin called 4PY can promote inflammation of blood vessels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The study analyzed blood samples from over 4,000 individuals and found that those with higher levels of the metabolite 4PY, which resulted from excess niacin intake, had an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

The study’s lead author, Stanley Hazen, emphasized the importance of consulting with a doctor before taking over-the-counter supplements, and instead encouraged individuals to focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. The findings of this study highlight the potential risks associated with excessive niacin intake and underscore the need for further research to better understand and address these concerns.

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