Home » Trump does not want to pay a fine of $ 454 million pending an appeal procedure, but the judge does not agree with his story

Trump does not want to pay a fine of $ 454 million pending an appeal procedure, but the judge does not agree with his story

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Donald Trump — © REUTERS

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Former US President Donald Trump has petitioned a judge in New York to lift the obligation to pay a $454 million fine. The judge ruled on Wednesday evening that Trump must indeed pay.

Trump was recently sentenced to a fine of $454 million in a lawsuit surrounding fraud at his Trump Organization (among other things). Trump must pay the fine within thirty days, otherwise the court can confiscate the ex-president’s assets.

However, the ex-president is now asking a judge to lift that obligation, pending a ruling in the appeal proceedings. “The verdict imposes an unprecedented penalty against our client, despite a lack of legal authority or factual basis,” Trump’s attorney said.

But on Wednesday evening, judge Anil Singh ruled that he must pay the full amount.

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