Home » The teachers reject the new gym in via Dalla Chiesa

The teachers reject the new gym in via Dalla Chiesa

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The teachers reject the new gym in via Dalla Chiesa

New Gym Project Raises Concerns Among Aosta Secondary School Teachers

The regional council’s approval of a new gym project for the secondary schools in the city of Aosta has sparked concerns among the Sports Science teachers of the RMA High School. The project, worth 3.8 million euros, is set to be located along via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, on an area owned by the Municipality of Aosta.

In a statement released by the teachers, they expressed their worries about the proposed location of the new gym. They highlighted that the current lack of proper sports facilities for the secondary schools in Aosta has been a longstanding issue, with students and teachers having to rely on municipal or private gyms for physical education lessons.

The teachers pointed out that the proposed location of the new gym would not be particularly functional for any of the secondary schools in the city. They emphasized the logistical challenges that students currently face in accessing adequate sports facilities, with long travel times impacting the time available for physical education lessons.

The teachers also raised concerns about the lack of consultation with students, families, and school administrations regarding the new gym project. They stressed the importance of involving all stakeholders in the decision-making process to ensure that the actual needs of users are taken into consideration.

In conclusion, the teachers called on the regional administration to consult with users and address the longstanding issues surrounding sports facilities for secondary schools in Aosta. They urged for more functional and reasonable solutions to be implemented to provide students with the necessary resources for physical education.

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The statement was signed by the teachers of Regina Maria Adelaide High School, who have been advocating for better sports facilities for the students in Aosta Valley.

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