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More exciting sports stories will be staged

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On the evening of September 15, the 14th National Games opened in Xi’an. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the Games. In the afternoon of the same day, General Secretary Xi Jinping met with representatives of advanced units and individuals in national mass sports, representatives of advanced collectives and workers in the national sports system, and representatives of athletes and coaches of the Chinese sports delegation of the Tokyo Olympics, and encouraged them to work hard and achieve new success. .

If sports are strong, China will be strong, and national sports will flourish. From the outstanding achievements of the Chinese sports delegation at the Tokyo Olympics, to the grand opening of the National Games, and to the exciting prospects of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the construction of China’s sports power is building a new era of coordinates and writing a new vision of forge ahead. Chapter.

Forge ahead with dreams and show the style of struggle. At the Tokyo Olympics that ended not long ago, the Chinese sports delegation won 38 gold medals, tying the best results in overseas competitions. Chinese athletes have a mission on their shoulders and a spirit of struggle. They have handed over an excellent report card and become a role model for young people to pursue learning. Athletes such as Su Bingtian and Zhang Yufei made history in track and field and basic swimming events. Youngsters such as Yang Qian, Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and other “post-00” teenagers showed their awesome power in the arena, showing the world that Chinese athletes are open and confident and surpass themselves. Spiritual temperament. On the stage of the National Games, more exciting sports stories will be staged.

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Forging ahead in pursuit of dreams, the emphasis is on the participation of all people. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the foundation of a sports power lies in mass sports. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, national fitness has received unprecedented attention-national fitness has become a national strategy. my country has clearly put forward the goal of extensively launching national fitness activities and accelerating the construction of a sports power. Nowadays, the “big group” pattern of government-led, multi-sectoral coordination, participation of the whole society, and joint construction and sharing of the whole people has initially taken shape. The masses’ willingness to exercise has been increasing, and more and more Chinese people have gained health and happiness from sports. Sports will play a more important role in satisfying the people’s yearning for a better life and promoting the all-round development of people.

Forge ahead with dreams to meet the Beijing Winter Olympics. In less than 150 days, the Olympic flame will be lit in Beijing. The Beijing Winter Olympics is a major landmark event at an important historical node in my country, and an important opportunity to showcase the country’s image, promote national development, and invigorate the national spirit. Faced with the challenge of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics have continued and their efforts have not diminished. The 12 competition venues are fully completed, and the operation team is preparing for the upcoming series of international competition test competitions. The “Ice Ribbon” and “Snow Ruyi” venues incorporating a large number of Chinese and technological elements have become new landmarks in the city. In just a few years, many ice and snow projects in my country have grown from nothing, from weak to strong, and some projects have reached the world‘s advanced level. The pace of ice and snow sports “south exhibition, westward expansion, eastward expansion” is accelerating, and the vision of “300 million people participating in ice and snow sports” is gradually becoming a reality. China will honor its promise and dedicate a wonderful Winter Olympics to the world.

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Forging ahead in pursuit of dreams, China is clever. As an important manifestation of comprehensive national strength and national soft power, sports has carried the dream of national prosperity and national rejuvenation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally planned and promoted, pointing out the direction and drawing up a blueprint for the development of China’s sports industry. With the in-depth implementation of the nationwide fitness strategy, China’s mass sports and competitive sports are deeply integrated and developed together. At present, the country’s per capita sports area is 2.2 square meters, and the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise is 37.2%. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the growth rate of the added value of the sports industry is much higher than that of GDP, and it plays an increasingly important role in the overall structure of China’s economy.

The curtain of the National Games has been opened, and the smooth holding of the National Games will surely further enhance the development of China’s competitive sports and mass sports, and contribute to the building of a sports power. Sports represents youth, health, and vitality, is related to the happiness of the people, and is related to the future of the nation. Standing in the historical position where the “two centenary” goals meet, the high-quality development and reform and innovation of sports will surely inject strong force into the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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(The author is a commentator for the People’s Daily Overseas Edition)

original title:Contribute to the construction of a sports power (Wanghai Tower)

“People’s Daily Overseas Edition” (September 17, 2021 Edition 01)

Editors in charge: Wang Yiwen, Meng Qingchuan

32226913,.More exciting sports stories will be staged,.2021-09-17 10:06:18,.204532,.Wang Yiwen,Meng Qingchuan


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