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Health promotion and prevention / Lilly Deutschland Foundation promotes sports and…

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Health promotion and prevention / Lilly Deutschland Foundation promotes sports and…

04.03.2024 – 13:30

Lilly Germany Foundation

Bad Homburg (ots)

“Start early, win in the long term” – this is the motto under which the Lilly Germany Foundation is committed to the area of ​​prevention for the first time. For better health in society, the foundation has agreed on long-term funding partnerships with bikepool Hessen eV and Eintracht Frankfurt eV. They include exercise options such as “cycling at primary schools”, “break-time league” or “ball school”. The school projects teach children a lasting positive attitude towards exercise in a playful way. The Lilly Deutschland Foundation would like to help ensure that the fun of exercise is anchored in children’s lives and that health-promoting effects come into play in the long term.

Many children and young people in Germany don’t get enough exercise.[i],[ii] However, the movement behavior learned and experienced at a young age shapes the importance of movement later in life.[i] In addition, lack of exercise increases the risk of long-term e.g. B. cardiovascular diseases, cancer, type 2 diabetes or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).[ii] For the Lilly Germany Foundation, promoting physical activity among children and young people is an important contribution to a healthier society.

“We are committed to ensuring that all children and young people have the same opportunities for a healthy life,” says Oliver Stahl, Chairman of the Lilly Deutschland Foundation. “That’s why we support selected school projects from bikepool Hessen eV and Eintracht Frankfurt eV, where children can gain positive exercise experiences and experience exercise as an integral part of their everyday life. Because those who do sports as children are more likely to remain physically active in adulthood.”

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The projects of bikepool Hessen eV and Eintracht Frankfurt eV are regionally established, ongoing offers that are implemented in cooperation with schools and are very popular with teachers, parents and children. The focus is on experiencing fun through physical activity in order to gain a positive attitude towards exercise. In addition, the primary school children acquire important social skills as well as safety-relevant knowledge for cycling in traffic.

Positive exercise experiences for children through school projects by bikepool Hessen eV and Eintracht Frankfurt eV

With “Cycling in Primary Schools”, bikepool Hessen eV has set itself the task of promoting the movement of primary school children on two wheels through traffic education and accident prevention. To this end, the association offers multi-day training courses for teachers and supports cooperating primary schools in setting up a “bike school” with their own bicycle inventory, a workshop and bicycle excursions. 15 primary schools in Hesse are currently taking part in the project.

Eintracht Frankfurt eV’s school and sports projects combine fun with the promotion of movement and the development of motor and coordination skills for primary school students. During the long breaks, the participating third and fourth grades from currently 14 Frankfurt elementary schools play a creative ball game sport as a class group. The “Break League” is held as an internal school championship, the highlight of which is the celebratory award ceremony with the presentation of trophies and certificates. In the “ball school”, participating children train various ball sports and different game situations once a week after regular school lessons under the guidance of qualified trainers from Eintracht Frankfurt eV. In addition, thanks to the support of the Lilly Deutschland Foundation, Eintracht Frankfurt eV will in the future hold a “sports camp” once a year. for around 50 children with a diverse sports program. The all-day sports camp is scheduled to take place in summer 2024 in cooperation with a Frankfurt elementary school; The Lilly Germany Foundation will shortly announce more information on the website www.lilly-stiftung.de.

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About the Lilly Germany Foundation

The Lilly Germany Foundation, based in Bad Homburg, was founded in 1992 and is a non-profit foundation. Its goal is to sustainably improve health care for people in Germany through interdisciplinary collaboration and consistent integration of cross-departmental and cross-functional expertise. Since its founding, the foundation has developed and supported important projects together with experts from health, science, ethics, health insurance companies and politics. The Lilly Deutschland Foundation is represented by its equal, voluntary board of directors, made up of experts from healthcare, society and politics as well as employees of Lilly Deutschland GmbH. If you want to find out more about the Lilly Deutschland Foundation, visit our website or follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram.

[i] Federal Ministry of Health: Inventory of promoting physical activity for children and young people in Germany (2022); available online at:

[ii] German Alliance for Non-communicable Diseases (DANK): Policy paper on prevention of non-communicable diseases – a task for society as a whole (2016); available online at: https://www.dank-allianz.de/files/content/documents/DANK-Grundsatzpapier_ES.pdf

Press contact:

Weber Shandwick Frankfurt
Speicherstrasse 59
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Arne Bendixen
Office: 069 9130 4323
E-Mail: [email protected]

Lilly Germany Foundation
Werner-Reimers-Straße 2-4
61352 Bad Homburg

Press office
Office: 06172-2730
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Lilly Germany Foundation, transmitted by news aktuell

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