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Your health is at stake, never make these mistakes when buying fish: they could sell you inferior products

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Your health is at stake, never make these mistakes when buying fish: they could sell you inferior products

Warning: Donā€™t Make These Mistakes When Buying Fish

Are you planning to purchase fish for your meals today? If so, make sure to avoid these common mistakes that could jeopardize your health. Despite the popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets, fish remains a staple in many peopleā€™s diets, especially those following the Mediterranean diet.

When shopping for fish, it is crucial to be vigilant and not overlook important factors that determine the freshness and quality of the seafood. Making the wrong choices can have negative implications for your health in the long run.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

Here are some of the common errors to watch out for when buying fish:

  • Check the fishā€™s eyes: Ensure that the fishā€™s eyes are clear, bright, and plump. Avoid fish with sunken or cloudy eyes, as these are signs of poor quality.
  • Touch the pulp: If possible, gently press on the fishā€™s flesh and observe how quickly it springs back. Fresh fish should return to its original form, with a rosy color indicating its freshness.
  • Inspect the gills: Look for red gills, which signal that the fish was recently caught. Dark or hardened gills indicate that the fish is no longer fresh.
  • Prepared fillets: If buying pre-prepared fish fillets, check the color and consistency of the flesh to ensure freshness. It should meet the same standards as whole fish.

By following these guidelines, you can make informed decisions when buying fish and ensure that you are consuming high-quality seafood that is beneficial for your health. Stay vigilant and prioritize your well-being every time you shop for fish.

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