Home » Women’s Day 2024 with marches in Neuquén, Cipolletti, Roca, Bariloche and Viedma: times and places

Women’s Day 2024 with marches in Neuquén, Cipolletti, Roca, Bariloche and Viedma: times and places

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Women’s Day 2024 with marches in Neuquén, Cipolletti, Roca, Bariloche and Viedma: times and places

This Friday March 8 commemorates a new International Working Women’s Day, in which the struggle of the group of women and diversity for equal rights is vindicated. As part of International Strike of Women, Lesbians, Transvestites, Trans and Non-Binary A rich agenda of activities was planned in Neuquén and Río Negro. Here we tell you the details, city by city.

Women’s Day 2024, in Neuquén

The call in the provincial capital It will be at 6 p.m. at the San Martín Monument.

The slogan of this year’s march will be “Plan to fight against the adjustment of Milei, the IMF and the governors«, a motto that is repeated in other cities in the region.

«We have to rebuild the strength of the women’s movement in unity with all the demands of our fellow workers. That is what the union leaders, the social movements and the political representatives of the parties that govern want to divide,” they detailed from Pan y Rosas Neuquén.

In turn, the group together with textile workers from Neuquén, They will concentrate this Friday on Route 7in the context of 8M and in defense of workers’ efforts, as explained in a statement.

It will be from 8, at the Industrial Park, and will include a pamphlet for motorists and people traveling through the sector.

Women’s Day 2024, in Roca

In Rock, the Fiske Transfeminist Assembly promotes a call in the center. There will be open radio, posters, workshops and more.

«This March 8 we stop and mobilize against the adjustment, hunger, surrender and repression of the Milei government«, detailed from the Campaign for the National Emergency in Violence against Women in Fiske Menuco / General Roca.

The activities They will begin at 4 p.m. in Plaza San Martínwith a so-called “Active Plaza”. At 6 p.m., the traditional march will beginwhose concentration will start from the corner of Roca and Tucumán Avenue.

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Finally, after the tour through the streets of the city, the closing will take place in Plaza San Martín, at 8:00 p.m.

Women’s Day 2024, in Cipolletti

The demonstration will be at 18 in Plaza San MartínIn the city center.

There are several groups that called for activities during the week and that will display them this Wednesday as well.

«Enough of hunger, repression and threats to our rights«, that is the slogan of the call for the march in Cipolletti by the Pan y Rosas group.

The Mobilization is scheduled for 7 p.m. in Plaza San Martín. The point of the call, before and after the march, of this group will be in España 365, at the La Patagonia Rebelde cultural house.

At 17, There will be posters and batucada.

Women’s Day 2024, in Bariloche

In Bariloche, There will also be a strike and mobilization this March 8. The central activities will begin at 17 hourswhen concentration begins at the intersection of Sobral and Onelli streets. From there the march will culminate in the emblematic Civic Center.

There will be reading of a document, murga and artistic interventions.

«This is not another 8M, we are going through a criminal, fascist, anti-feminist, misogynistic and far-right government. Milei’s government unleashes a brutal adjustment on the working class, where women, dissidents, retirees and childhoods bear the brunt.«, detailed from the organization Niunx Menos Furilofche.

Women’s Day 2024, in Viedma

In Viedma you will feel the 8M strike and a mobilization was scheduled for 4 p.m. Workers from provincial and municipal organizations will be exempt from work this Friday.

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The Mobilization will begin at the intersection of Aníbal Troilo and Carlos Gardel from the Rio Negro capital and will depart from 4 p.m., heading towards Plaza San Martín, the place of the concentration.

The Municipality of Viedma reported that through a request from the organization, it negotiated with the company that provides the local public transportation service, which Women who participate in the mobilization will not have to pay the value of the bus ticket.

“This measure seeks to guarantee the participation of women and dissidents in the various activities programs for Friday, March 8,” they stated from the commune.

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