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Green homes, we are serious about stopping gas boilers and requiring panels

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Green homes, we are serious about stopping gas boilers and requiring panels

The European directive “Case Green” is finally about to see the light. A lower agreement compared to the initial project, which had more ambitious objectives and shorter timescales. But it still commits member countries to improving the energy performance of buildings, to achieve climate neutrality of the entire housing stock by 2050.

The document will be voted on by Parliament between 11 and 14 March; then, after a final passage in the Council, it will go to the Official Journal. In black and white the commitment to reduce energy consumption by 16% by 2030, and by 22% by 2035 to reach zero emissions by 2050. Objectives to be achieved, however, in compliance with the plans developed by the individual States which will have the possibility of establishing their own intermediate timetable and national building renovation plans, with measurable progress indicators. The common roadmap provides that, from 2028, new public buildings will all have to be zero-emission.

All new buildings will be required to have photovoltaic systems. From 2030, new residential buildings will also have to be zero-emission. When it comes to heating, the ban on installing new gas boilers will come into force in 2040. As early as 2025, however. Tax breaks will no longer be permitted for basic systems, but only for hybrids, i.e. those which combine the gas condensing boiler with a heat pump which guarantees a reduction in consumption.

According to the Aeneas data of the latest report on the energy efficiency of buildings (September 2023), compared to the previous year, a percentage decrease in properties in the worst energy classes F and G (-3.7%) was recorded, compared to a mirror increase in those in the best performing classes A4-B (+3.7%). However, the distribution by energy class confirms that approximately 55% of the cases surveyed are characterized by low energy performance (FG classes). Under the directive, agricultural and historic buildings can be excluded from the redevelopment obligation. Countries can then exempt buildings protected for their special architectural value, churches and places of worship, or even smaller isolated houses.

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The costs of redevelopment vary greatly depending on the type of intervention, but the push for the installation of solar panels, thanks also to the creation of renewable energy communities, could lead to a discount compared to the current quantification of an average outlay per family of at least 50 thousand EUR. Furthermore, the government has announced a reform of construction bonuses which will give priority to the energy requalification works of residential buildings, with differentiated rates based on the starting levels and the objectives to be achieved, subsidized financing for low incomes and possibility of credit transfer with selective criteria.

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