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Easier treatment for millions of sick people in the pharmacy

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Easier treatment for millions of sick people in the pharmacy

New Legislative Innovations in Medicine Distribution Aim to Improve Access for Patients

A new structure in the distribution of essential medicines by the National Health Service is set to revolutionize access to medications for patients with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, rheumatological, and cardiovascular diseases. The legislative innovations, introduced as part of the 2024 Budget Law, were announced at a press conference in Rome at the Ministry of Health.

The changes will allow affiliated pharmacies to dispense drugs that were previously only available in hospital facilities, streamlining the process and increasing accessibility for patients. This move is a significant step towards improving local assistance levels and ensuring uniform access to medicine across the entire country.

Health Minister Orazio Schillaci highlighted the importance of the reforms, stating, “With the revision of the drug distribution process, we are meeting the needs of vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, disabled individuals, and cancer patients, who rely heavily on direct distribution. The aim is to create a more localized healthcare system.”

Under the new rules, citizens will no longer have to visit hospital pharmacies to collect medications that have been transferred to community pharmacies. This will be overseen by their family doctors, making the process more convenient for patients. Additionally, medications that were previously part of “Distribution on behalf” will now be readily available in community pharmacies, eliminating the wait time for orders to arrive.

The announcement was met with approval from Federfarma, the national association representing pharmacies. President Marco Cossolo praised the move, stating that dispensing medications in pharmacies will lead to better adherence to treatment and cost savings for the NHS.

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The changes were also welcomed by the Federation of Italian Pharmacists’ Orders (FOFI), with President Andrea Mandelli emphasizing the positive impact on therapeutic continuity and patient adherence to treatment.

The full article outlining the new legislative innovations in medicine distribution can be found on ANSA.it.

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