Home » Farewell to Professor Calligaro, he was dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Farewell to Professor Calligaro, he was dean of the Faculty of Medicine

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Pavia, was 78 years old. A pioneer of electron microscopy, he was a lecturer in Histology. He leaves behind his wife and two children

PAVIA. He left suddenly, at 78. Alberto Calligaro, professor of Histology at the University of Pavia and former dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, died on Friday morning in his home, a stone’s throw from the University. A sudden disappearance, which left the entire academic world distraught. Calligaro leaves his wife Novella Gazic, a former teacher, and their children Alessandro, a psychiatrist, and Francesca, a psychologist. Now the body is in the funeral parlor of the Pavia cemetery. The funeral will be held privately in Soiano del Lago (Brescia).

The beginnings: from Milan to Pavia

Calligaro, with a degree in Physics, arrived in Pavia in the 1970s. He had moved for study and work reasons: he was one of the pioneers of electron microscopy in Italy. «Especially then it was a methodology that was the most popular – explains one of his students, Professor Andrea Casasco -. Because we are talking about particular years: it was the time of great discoveries ».

Dean and researcher

Then Calligaro moved to Medicine, a faculty that had him as dean (in the 2004 elections he beat his main rival, Professor Giorgio Rondini). “Although having a degree in physics this was possible because, to teach medicine courses, it is not necessary to have an ad hoc degree – specify the other teachers -. Any full professor of a discipline can become dean of the Faculty of Medicine ». This happened for Calligaro, who in the meantime taught, in the capacity of full professor, first landing in Anatomy and immediately moving to the Histology and Embryology unit of the Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, where he did research.

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Scientific activity

His scientific activity, developed through research on stem cells and engineering of tissues and organs, was aimed at the study of cell proliferation and differentiation in natural tissues and in experimental conditions, including engineered ones, with an orientation to translational research and regenerative medicine. .

In particular, the professor has dealt with the study of engineered models of skin, mucous membranes and skeletal tissues, and the modifications of cells and tissues induced by experimental treatments with substances, lasers and electromagnetic fields. In these areas it carries out scientific consultancy activities.

«I worked with Alberto for 35 years – says Casasco -. He retired ten years ago, but we agreed that he could still come to the clinic. Which he did until the end, with a unique passion: he stayed under the microscope for hours looking at the preparations ». «He transmitted his passion to everyone, also through teaching, his great talent – he concludes -. Alberto was an example of honesty and humanity».

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