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Women: a driving force in climate action ~ A green future

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Women: a driving force in climate action ~ A green future

Women’s involvement in climate action is a key element for a sustainable and equitable future for all. The involvement of the latter constitutes 50% of the success of sustainable development and the fight against climate change, unfortunately it is often excluded.

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This is the definition of sustainable development selon Gro Harlem Brundtlan.

The word “generation” used here does not designate only man but a group of people including women. It is therefore essential that women participate in the fight against climate change.

It is true that climate change affects everyone, but not in the same way, especially when it comes to women. The latter being exacerbated by inequalities and marginalization linked to gender, ethnicity, low income and other social and economic factors, which makes it vulnerable to climate change.

So women are essential to climate action for a few compelling reasons including:

1. Women represent half of the world’s population

Given that climate action requires 100% of the population and women make up half of it, their involvement is essential. They can help achieve certain objectives such as limiting the increase in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

2. Women make up almost half of the agricultural workforce

Especially in developing countries, when they benefit from the same access to resources as men, women significantly increase their agricultural yields compared to men. This not only improves total agricultural production, but also reduces world hunger. So empowering women means better climate solutions.

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3. Women are essential to strengthening the climate resilience of communities

As part of the planning process, women are also the first to respond to natural disasters. They play a leading role in disaster risk reduction and contribute to post-disaster recovery by meeting the needs of their families and strengthening community cohesion.

4. Women face higher risks

Aware that climate change affects everyone, but not in the same way. It is well established that the climate change has a greater impact on the most vulnerable people on the planetwhether in developed or developing countries, and that it exacerbates existing inequalities.

Women often face higher risks and heavier burdens due to poverty and existing roles, responsibilities and cultural norms. They may be responsible for energy, food, water and care for young and old people,… forcing them to travel greater distances for daily supplies, leaving them less time for a paid work and potentially exposing them to increased risks to their personal safety.

Happy women’s day

The involvement of women is of great value in this noble struggle because it not only guarantees the success of climate actions and sustainable development but also makes possible the hope of a green and equitable future for all. Whether they are city dwellers or indigenous, each of them can make a contribution. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to wish happy women’s day to all those who make possible the hope of a green future with zero emissions.

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