Home » Green pass, from trams to smart workers: where and for whom the obligation is not valid

Green pass, from trams to smart workers: where and for whom the obligation is not valid

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The decree passed by the CDM on Thursday 16 September which introduces the obligation to have a green pass for all workers in the public and private sector from 15 October is still subject to “filings”. Its landing in Official Gazette is intended for Monday 20 September. After all, it is a complex and ambitious measure. Which extends the green certificate obligation to 19.4 million workers (according to the estimates of the Labor Consultants Foundation), in addition to the 3.5 million employees of school and health personnel for whom the obligation is already in force .

Who is excluded from the obligation?

Magistrates and employees of the Bank of Italy, home helps, carers, electricians and plumbers, ministerial and employees of municipal councils, governors and regional councilors elected in the elections, volunteers: from 15 October to 31 December, when the state of emergency expires , the green pass becomes mandatory in all workplaces and will directly affect the lives of 23 million Italians of which 14 million and 700 thousand are employed in the private sector. Who, on the other hand, is excluded?


The smart working node

There will be a quota of no vax personnel who will ask for agile work to “circumvent” the obligation of green pass. But Minister Brunetta pushes for a massive return to face-to-face work in the public service. And smart working cannot be obtained automatically by those who do not have a green pass, but it will have to be agreed. In short, if an employee already worked in smart working, he can stay there. The green pass does not automatically oblige you to return to your workplace, but if you are asked to return to the office, you will have to show the green certificate. Anyone who does not want to get vaccinated can do the swab a controlled price of 15 euros to obtain the green pass, to be renewed every 48 hours.

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No to the obligation for the unemployed and inactive

They certainly remain out of the obligation i 13.5 million inactive and 2.3 million unemployed registered by Istat. But it will also be difficult for them to do without the certificate, since since September 1st must be exhibited to travel in airplane, on trains High Speed ​​and Intecity as well as on long-distance buses. And from August 6 also to get into gyms, indoor swimming pools and restaurants, museums, theaters, cinemas, concerts, festivals, fairs and participate in public competitions. Nor should we forget the obligation of a green pass to access, as a companion, the waiting rooms of emergency room, structures hospitals, diagnostic centers and specialist outpatient clinics. Or to participate in wedding ceremonies O baptismo.

Lawyers without a pass in court

Having said that, there are still many cases in which the green passes it is not necessary to show the pass. Starting from under 12 (excluded by age from the vaccination campaign) and from exempt subjects on the basis of suitable medical certification issued according to the criteria defined in a circular from the Ministry of Health. But not only. The new decree being published, for example, extends the obligation of green pass to access the courts to state lawyers but not to defenders in a process. Even defendants, witnesses and civil parties, experts must not show it in the courtroom. On the contrary, lawyers must have the pass when they carry out activities in law firms.

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